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Question: Lab Assignment 3 CS 301 - Data Structures For this assignment you will implement a Doubly Linked List, that uses a Node class with a generic data type. Since the data type of the Node class is generic, we will be able to store any type of data in our list. You will also write a Driver program to test your implementation. Recall the difference between a
Define the class Node that methods use in the DoublyLinkedList class
This is the code of Node class
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- CS301 – Data Structures
CS301 Assignment 3 Solution and Discussion
Re: CS301 Assignment 3 Solution and Discussion
SEMESTER FALL 2020 CS301- Data Structures Total Marks: 20 Due Date: 21/01/2021 Instructions Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment: It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if: o The assignment is submitted after due date. o The submitted assignment is other than .doc/.docx file. o The submitted assignment does NOT open or file is corrupted. o The assignment is copied (from other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet). Uploading instructions
o For clarity and simplicity, you are required to Upload/Submit only .doc/.docx file.
Objective The objective of this assignment is: o Binary Search trees o AVL trees o Rotation cases of AVL trees o Balancing Factor of trees
For any query about the assignment, contact at [email protected] GOOD LUCK Marks: 20
Problem Statement:
You are required to construct AVL tree from the following data:
15 ,18 ,12, 8, 54, 5, 14, 13, 9, 61, 20, 17, 21
Solution Guidelines:
- You need to insert these data items one by one starting from the data item 15 in the same order in which they have written above.
- Show and perform necessary rotations where needed.
- In Solution show only the final AVL tree and only those steps in which rotation is applied.
Note: If you show only final tree and do not show the rotation steps then your marks will be deducted. Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 15-26 Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before January 21 , 2021
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Cs301 assignment no 3 solution fall 2021.
You are required to construct AVL tree from the following data:
15,18,12, 8,54,5,14,13,9,61,20,17,21
CS301 ASSIGNMENT NO 3 SOLUTION FALL 2021 is given in description
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Preview text, lab manual cs301p – data structures (practical), (practical), lab no. lab topic, 1 lab 1: learn to implement linked list data structure 2, 2 lab 2: learn to implement stack data structure 11, 3 lab 3: learn to implement queue data structure 19, 4 lab 4 : learn to implement binary search tree data structure 24, 5 lab 5 : learn to implement binary search tree traversals (in-order,pre-, order,post-order), 6 lab 6 : learn to implement function call by value, by reference and by, 7 lab 7: learn to build/draw avl tree and understand different types of, rotations performed while constructing an avl tree, 8 lab 8: learn to build/draw avl tree 54, 9 lab 9 : learn to delete nodes from avl with the help of rotations 55, 10 lab 10 : learn to build frequency table and huffman encoding tree 59, 11 lab 11: learn to implement min heap using insert( ) method 61, 12 lab 12: learn to implement min heap using buildheap( ) method 64, 13 lab 13: learn to a build union tree by using union by size method 67, 14 lab 14:learn to implement binary search algorithm 70, 15 lab 15 : build hash table using linear probing collision resolution, 16 lab 16: learn to sort array using elementary sorting algorithms. 73, private variables (faculty object, node * nextnode), faculty get(), void set(faculty object), node * getnext(), void setnext(node * nextnode), list class:, data members:, private variables (int size, node * headnode, node * currentnode), member functions:, void add (faculty addobject); (to add the data of faculty member into, the linked list node), faculty get();, bool next();, friend void traverse(list list); (to visit each node and display the data of, a faculty members stored in that node), #include <iostream>, using namespace std;, class faculty{, string name;, string post;, void setname(string name){, this->name= name;, void setpost(string post){, this->post= post;, void setage(int age){, this->age=age;, string getname(){, return name;, string getpost(){, return post;, int getage(){, return age;, class node {, void add (faculty addobject);, friend void traverse(list list);, node * headnode;, node * currentnode;, /* constructor */, list::list() {, headnode = new node();, headnode->setnext(null);, currentnode = null;, /* add() class method */, void list::add (faculty addobject) {, node * newnode = new node();, newnode->set(addobject);, if( currentnode = null ), newnode->setnext(currentnode->getnext());, currentnode->setnext( newnode );, currentnode = newnode;, newnode->setnext(null);, headnode->setnext(newnode);, /* get() class method */, faculty list::get() {, if (currentnode = null), return currentnode->get();, /* next() class method */, list = savedcurrentnode;, int main() {, faculty member;, string name,post;, cout<<"==============enter faculty, information================="<<endl;, for(int a=0;a<5;a++){, cout<<"enter faculty member age: "<<endl;, cin>>age;, cout<<"enter faculty member name: "<<endl;, cin>>name;, if(age>=25 && age<=35){, post="lecturer";, else if(age>=36 && age<=45){, post="assistant professor";, else if(age>=46 && age<=60){, post="professor";, member(name);, member(age);, member(post);, list(member);, traverse(list);, lab title: learn to implement stack data structure, objectives: get the knowledge of implementing stack data structure using linked list and array, in c++ programming language., tool: dev c++, description:, note: numbers must be shown in reverse order only by using pop () method, lab 2 solution, class node{, int object;, node *nextnode;, int num_get() { return object; };, void num_set(int object) { this->object = object; };, node * getnext() { return nextnode; };, void setnext(node * nextnode) { this->nextnode = nextnode; };, class stack_array, stack_array() { size = 5; current = -1;} //constructor, int pop_array(){ return a[current--];} // the pop function, void push_array(int x){a[++current] = x;} // the push function, int isempty(){return ( current == -1 );} // will return true when stack is empty, int isfull(){ return ( current == size-1);} // will return true when stack is full, int object; // the data element, //poping elements from stack and displaying values, int stack_linkedlist ::pop_list(), if(head==null){, cout<<"list is empty"<<endl;, int x =head->num_get();, node * p = head;, head=head->getnext();, cout<<" \n"<< x;, int main(){, int n=0; // option, int k; // total number to be entered in linked list, int j; // used to push elements in linked list, int m; // used to push elements in linked list, stack_linkedlist s;, stack_array sa;, while (n < 5) {, cout << "\n enter your choice \n";, cout << "1 : add stack element in linked list \n";, cout << "2 : add stack element in array \n";, cout << "3 : pop stack elements in linked list and display \n";, cout << "4 : pop stack elements in array and display \n";, cout <<"enter any other number to close the program \n";, scanf("%d", &n);, switch (n) {, cout << "enter the total number you want to entered \n";, cin>>k;, cout<<"please enter the numbers \n";, for(int i = 1; i <= k; i++), cin>>j;, s_list(j); // push the element at the top, cout<<"numbers added in linked list successfully \n";, if(sa()) // checking stack is full or not, cout <<"\n stack is full, can't insert new element";, cout <<"\n stack is empty, can't pop";, lab title: learn to implement queue data structure, objectives: get the knowledge of implementing queue data structure using linked list in c++, programming language., write a c++ program to create a queue (using linked list), your program should meet the following, requirements:, 1. the queue will store only even numbers and just display those numbers without removing them., 2. then you have to delete the first even element from the queue and show the remaining numbers, structure of classes:, the program should contain the following classes:, two private variables (int object, node * nextnode), functions:, void set (int object), queue class, two public variables (node *front, *rear), void enqueue (int x);, int dequeue ();, void display ();, int isempty();, sample output:.
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Question: Lab Assignment 3 CS 301 - Data Structures For this assignment you will implement a Doubly Linked List, that uses a Node class with a generic data type. Since the data type of the Node class is generic, we will be able to store any type of data in our list. You will also write a Driver program to test your implementation.
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Re: CS301 Assignment 3 Solution and Discussion Assignment No. 03 SEMESTER FALL 2020 CS301- Data Structures Total Marks: 20 Due Date: 21/01/2021 Instructi...
CS301 Assignment 3 semester spring 2020 solution-VU | Data structureCS301 Assignment 3 semester spring 2020 solution lets students to learn about the constru...
January 2021 in CS301 - Data Structures. You are required to construct AVL tree from the following data: 15,18,12, 8,54,5,14,13,9,61,20,17,21. CS301 ASSIGNMENT NO 3 SOLUTION FALL 2021. CS301 ASSIGNMENT NO 3 SOLUTION FALL 2021 Find the attachment . CS301-assignment-no3-Solution.docx 141.9K.
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