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Créer son business plan en 5 minutes avec ChatGPT

Créer un business plan en 5 minutes avec ChatGPT

La création d’un business plan complet est une étape essentielle pour tout entrepreneur ou toute entreprise. Un business plan bien élaboré permet de définir clairement la vision, les objectifs, la stratégie et les étapes nécessaires à la croissance de votre entreprise. Il est désormais possible de tirer parti des capacités avancées de ChatGPT-4 pour démarrer un business plan et pouvoir vous aiguiller dans les différentes étapes. Dans cet article, nous allons vous guider à travers les étapes clés pour créer un mini business plan avec l’aide de ChatGPT-4, en utilisant ses fonctionnalités avancées telles que l’advanced data analysis et la recherche web.

Premiere étape du business plan : la vision

La première étape pour créer un business plan complet est de définir votre vision. C’est la pierre angulaire de votre entreprise, la raison pour laquelle elle existe. Pour commencer, demandez à ChatGPT-4 de vous aider à formuler votre vision en utilisant le prompt suivant :

Deuxième étape du business plan : analyse marché

Une fois que vous avez une vision claire pour votre business plan, il est temps de réaliser une analyse de données approfondie pour comprendre votre marché, vos concurrents et votre public cible. Utilisez la capacité d’advanced data analysis et de web browsing de ChatGPT-4 pour obtenir des informations pertinentes. La fonctionnalité advanced data analysis vous permettra d’analayser des données que vous pourriez avoir en votre possession, sous format excel ou PDF par exemple et en sortir une synthèse. La fonctionnalité Web Browsing vous permettra de réaliser une recherche sur internet afin d’analyser votre marché avec des données fraiches qui peuvent être complémentaires. Voici un exemple de prompt pour cette étape :

Troisième étape : définir la stratégie

Une fois que vous avez collecté des informations importantes, il est temps de définir votre stratégie afin de l’ajouter à votre business plan. Demandez à ChatGPT-4 de vous aider à élaborer une stratégie. Pour cette étape, nous conseillons de travailler toujours sur la même session avec ChatGPT afin qu’il se base sur les prompts et réponses précédentes pour construire une réponse adaptée. Voici un exemple de prompt pour cette étape :

Quatrième étape : bâtir un plan financier

L’une des parties les plus cruciales d’un business plan est la section financière. Vous pouvez utiliser les fonctionnalités d’advanced data analysis de ChatGPT-4 pour estimer les projections financières. Cette fonctionnalité vous permettra de travailler sur vos projections financière et de demander à ChatGPT se partager des réponses dans un format précis comme un tableauy excel par exemple. Vous pourriez aussi lui demander des prompts spécifiques pour élaborer cette section, afin d’itérer et d’avoir un début de plan financier le plus précis et complet possible. Par exemple :

Cinquième étape : la présentation visuelle

Pour rendre votre business plan plus attrayant, utilisez la fonctionnalité de vision de ChatGPT-4 pour créer des graphiques, des tableaux et des illustrations visuelles. Voici un exemple de prompt :

Sixième étape : révision du business plan

Avant de finaliser votre business plan, assurez-vous de le réviser soigneusement. Demandez à ChatGPT-4 de vous aider à améliorer la clarté et la cohérence de votre plan en utilisant ce prompt :

N’hésitez pas à utiliser également la fonction de recherche web de ChatGPT-4 pour obtenir des informations supplémentaires ou pour vérifier les faits et les données que vous avez inclus dans votre plan.

En suivant ces étapes et en exploitant les fonctionnalités avancées de ChatGPT-4, vous serez en mesure de créer un business plan complet et solide qui aidera votre entreprise à prospérer. N’oubliez pas de personnaliser votre plan en fonction de votre secteur d’activité, de votre public cible et de vos objectifs spécifiques. Bonne création de business plan !

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comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

📈 Create A Business Plan with ChatGPT [Prompt Included]

Here is the prompt you can use on GPT-4 to create the perfect Business Plan

How to Create A Business Plan with ChatGPT

👋 Welcome to the AI for Work's definitive guide on How to Create A Business Plan with ChatGPT!

In this comprehensive walkthrough, we'll dive into the many facets of the Business Plan :

  • Using ChatGPT for: Business Plan
  • Understanding: What exactly is a Business Plan ?
  • Objective: The primary goal behind a Business Plan
  • Success Metrics: What defines a top-notch Business Plan ?
  • Structure: Crafting the perfect outline for your Business Plan
  • Reference Material: Essential reads to elevate your Business Plan

Designed with a professional chief-executive-officer in the entrepreneur department in mind, this prompt was written to harnesses the AI capabilities of GPT-4 to offer an expert level Business Plan .

🔗 Go directly to the ChatGPT prompt: Business Plan .

🎥 For a video tutorial on how the prompt works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O3iIdDLCaA&t=17s

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

How to Use the ChatGPT Prompt to Create a Business Plan.

Step 1: Access the Prompt on AI for Work

Step 2: Once on the prompt page, click "copy prompt" and then paste it into the ChatGPT interface with the GPT-4 text model selected.

Step 3: ChatGPT will greet you with an initial message and present you with 5 questions. These questions are vital; they're designed to grasp a deep understanding of your specific needs. Ensure you answer with as much detail as possible.

Step 4: ChatGPT will use its knowledge base, your answers, and the key references to craft your Business Plan.

Step 5: ChatGPT will then assess its own work against a stringent quality rubric to ensure it meets high standards. It will provide you with a table with its evaluation along with options to improve the Business Plan.

These are the options and what each mean:

Option 1: Answer 3 More Questions to Personalize it More 🙋‍♂️:

  • What You Get: An enhanced Business Plan with additional layers of personalization.
  • Why Use This: If you want more specificity or nuances addressed.
  • Importance: Ensures your Business Plan is uniquely tailored to your requirements.

Option 2: Evaluation from a Group of Experts 👑:

  • What You Get: Feedback on the Business Plan's quality from simulated industry experts.
  • Why Use This: For alignment with industry standards and expert approval.
  • Importance: Validates the quality and resonance of your Business Plan with expert opinions.

Option 3: Simulate Feedback from a Focus Group 🧑‍🤝‍🧑:

  • What You Get: Diverse feedback that mimics a broad audience's view.
  • Why Use This: To gauge wider audience perception and improve accordingly.
  • Importance: Provides diverse viewpoints, catering to a broader range of stakeholders.

Option 4: Let's Get Creative and Try Another Approach ✨:

  • What You Get: A fresh perspective leading to a unique rendition of the Business Plan.
  • Why Use This: For a standout or unconventional version.
  • Importance: Adds novelty, making your Business Plan distinct and attention-grabbing.

Option 5: Make the Best Possible Business Plan ⚡:

  • What You Get: The pinnacle of quality, with ChatGPT delivering its best.
  • Why Use This: For crucial presentations or pivotal projects.
  • Importance: A flawless Business Plan can significantly impact its reception.

Option 6: Request a Change in Format, Style, Length 💡:

  • What You Get: A modified Business Plan to your specifications.
  • Why Use This: To match specific external requirements.
  • Importance: Ensures your Business Plan is versatile for various applications.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

What is a Business Plan 📜?

A business plan is a formal written document that outlines the goals of a business, the strategies to achieve those goals, and the financial forecast for the business. It serves as a roadmap for the business owners, investors, and stakeholders, providing a clear understanding of the business's direction and objectives.

Why Do We Use a Business Plan?

A business plan is essential for various reasons:

  • Securing Funding: A well-crafted business plan is crucial for attracting investors, lenders, or venture capitalists who require detailed information about the business's potential for success.
  • Setting Goals and Objectives: A business plan helps define the short-term and long-term goals of the business, providing a clear direction for the organization.
  • Guiding Decision-Making: It serves as a reference point for making strategic decisions, such as expanding the business, entering new markets, or launching new products.
  • Attracting Partnerships: A business plan can be used to attract potential partners, suppliers, or key employees who are interested in collaborating with the business.
  • Communicating with Stakeholders: It enables effective communication with stakeholders, including employees, customers, and shareholders, by providing a comprehensive overview of the business's operations and objectives.

Expert Advice on Crafting a Business Plan 🎓

Here are some expert tips for creating an effective business plan:

  • Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough market research and analysis to understand the target market, competition, and industry trends. This information will help you make informed decisions and create a realistic business plan.
  • Clear and Concise Writing: Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse the readers. Keep the document organized and easy to navigate.
  • Financial Projections: Include detailed financial projections, such as revenue forecasts, expense estimates, and cash flow analysis. This will demonstrate the financial viability of the business and attract potential investors.

What are the Success Factors of an Excellent Business Plan?

For this section, list down five key success factors that make a business plan stand out. Ensure each factor is pertinent and can be elaborated upon for the specific business plan type. Use bullet points for readability.

- Clear and concise executive summary that highlights the key aspects of the business plan.- Thorough market analysis that demonstrates a deep understanding of the industry and target market.- Well-defined business model and value proposition that sets the business apart from competitors.- Realistic financial projections that show a clear path to profitability and return on investment.- Strong management team with relevant experience and skills to execute the business plan effectively.

What are the Must-Have Requirements When Creating a Business Plan?

Highlight five essential requirements or steps one should consider while creating a business plan. Tailor each requirement to fit the nature of the specific business plan type. Use bullet points for clarity.

- Conduct thorough market research to understand the industry, target market, and competition.- Clearly define the business goals, objectives, and strategies for achieving them.- Develop a comprehensive marketing and sales plan to reach and attract customers.- Create a detailed financial plan including projected revenue, expenses, and funding requirements.- Include an executive summary that provides a concise overview of the entire business plan.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Detailed Outline for a Business Plan

I. executive summary.

  • A. Overview of the business concept
  • B. Mission statement
  • C. Key objectives and goals

II. Company Description

  • A. Legal structure and ownership
  • B. Background and history
  • C. Products or services offered
  • D. Target market and customers

III. Market Analysis

  • A. Industry overview and trends
  • B. Target market segmentation
  • C. Competitive analysis
  • D. SWOT analysis

IV. Organization and Management

  • A. Organizational structure
  • B. Key management team members and their roles
  • C. Staffing and personnel plan
  • D. Board of advisors or directors

V. Product or Service Offering

  • A. Detailed description of products or services
  • B. Unique selling proposition
  • C. Intellectual property rights
  • D. Research and development plans

VI. Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • A. Marketing objectives and strategies
  • B. Pricing strategy
  • C. Distribution channels
  • D. Promotional activities
  • E. Sales forecast and targets

VII. Financial Projections

  • A. Start-up costs and funding requirements
  • B. Sales forecasts
  • C. Profit and loss statement
  • D. Cash flow projections
  • E. Break-even analysis
  • F. Balance sheet
  • G. Key financial ratios

VIII. Operations and Logistics

  • A. Location and facilities
  • B. Production process and capacity
  • C. Supply chain management
  • D. Inventory management
  • E. Quality control measures

IX. Risk Management

  • A. Identification of potential risks
  • B. Risk assessment and mitigation strategies
  • C. Insurance coverage
  • D. Contingency plans

X. Implementation Plan

  • A. Timeline and milestones
  • B. Resource allocation
  • C. Key tasks and responsibilities
  • D. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms

XI. Conclusion

  • A. Summary of the business plan
  • B. Next steps and future growth opportunities
  • C. Request for funding or investment


  • A. Supporting documents such as resumes, licenses, permits, and legal agreements
  • B. Market research data
  • C. Financial statements
  • D. Product or service brochures or samples

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Recommended Resources for Creating a Business Plan

If you are looking to create a Business Plan, I would recommend these three books and here is exactly why.

  • "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries: "The Lean Startup" is a must-read for any entrepreneur looking to create a successful business plan. Ries emphasizes the importance of validated learning, encouraging entrepreneurs to continuously test their assumptions and validate their ideas through experimentation and customer feedback. This book introduces the concept of the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, which involves building a minimum viable product, measuring its impact, and learning from the data to iterate and improve. Additionally, Ries explains the concept of pivoting, highlighting the need for entrepreneurs to be open to changing their business strategies based on insights gained from customer feedback and market analysis.
  • "Business Model Generation" by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur: "Business Model Generation" provides entrepreneurs with a comprehensive handbook for analyzing and designing their business models. The book introduces the Business Model Canvas, a visual framework that helps entrepreneurs consider key elements such as customer segments, value propositions, channels, and revenue streams. Osterwalder and Pigneur also provide tools and methodologies for identifying and creating compelling value propositions that address customer needs and differentiate businesses. The authors emphasize the importance of continuously innovating and adapting business models to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market.
  • "The Art of the Start 2.0" by Guy Kawasaki: "The Art of the Start 2.0" is a battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything, making it an essential reference for entrepreneurs creating a business plan. Kawasaki highlights the importance of crafting a compelling story that captures the attention and interest of investors, stakeholders, and customers. The book also provides insights on building a strong team, defining roles and responsibilities, and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. Kawasaki offers practical advice on bootstrapping techniques, securing funding from various sources, and navigating the fundraising process.

These three books provide a well-rounded foundation for entrepreneurs looking to create a comprehensive and successful business plan. From the importance of validated learning and pivoting to the analysis and design of business models, and from crafting a compelling story to building a strong team, these references cover essential aspects of entrepreneurship from the perspective of a chief executive officer. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, these books will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you develop a solid business plan.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Key Terms for Business Plan

Keyword 1: Executive Summary

The executive summary is a concise overview of the entire business plan. It provides a summary of the key elements of the plan, including the company's mission, goals, strategies, and financial projections. It is usually the first section of the business plan and serves as a snapshot of the entire document.

Keyword 2: Market Analysis

Market analysis involves researching and evaluating the target market for a product or service. It includes analyzing the industry, identifying target customers, assessing competitors, and understanding market trends. The purpose of market analysis is to gather information that will help the company make informed decisions and develop effective marketing strategies.

Keyword 3: Financial Projections

Financial projections are forecasts of a company's future financial performance. They include projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Financial projections are based on historical data, market research, and assumptions about future business conditions. They are important for assessing the feasibility and profitability of a business idea and are often used to attract investors or secure loans.

Keyword 4: Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy outlines how a company will promote and sell its products or services to its target customers. It includes identifying target markets, defining the value proposition, determining pricing strategies, developing distribution channels, and planning promotional activities. A well-defined marketing strategy helps a company differentiate itself from competitors and attract and retain customers.

Keyword 5: Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis involves assessing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors in the market. It includes identifying direct and indirect competitors, analyzing their products, pricing, distribution channels, and marketing strategies. The purpose of competitive analysis is to understand the competitive landscape and identify opportunities and threats that may impact the success of the business. This information helps the company develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage.

Frequently Asked Questions about Creating a Business Plan

Question 1 about Business Plan:

What is a business plan and why is it important?

A business plan is a written document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a business. It serves as a roadmap for the entrepreneur and provides a comprehensive overview of the business. A well-prepared business plan is important because it helps attract investors, secure financing, and guides the growth and development of the business.

Question 2 about Business Plan:

What should be included in a business plan?

A business plan should include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, product or service line, marketing and sales strategies, financial projections, and any supporting documentation such as resumes, market research, and legal agreements. It should provide a clear and concise overview of the business and its operations.

Question 3 about Business Plan:

How often should a business plan be updated?

A business plan should be reviewed and updated regularly, especially when there are significant changes in the business environment or the company's goals and strategies. It is recommended to review and update the business plan at least once a year to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with the company's objectives.

Question 4 about Business Plan:

What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating a business plan?

Some common mistakes to avoid when creating a business plan include:

  • Being overly optimistic with financial projections
  • Not conducting thorough market research
  • Neglecting to define the target market and competition
  • Failing to address potential risks and challenges
  • Not tailoring the plan to the intended audience (e.g., investors, lenders)

It is important to carefully review and revise the business plan to avoid these mistakes and present a realistic and well-prepared document.

Question 5 about Business Plan:

How can I make my business plan stand out to potential investors?

To make your business plan stand out to potential investors, consider the following tips:

  • Clearly articulate your unique value proposition and competitive advantage
  • Highlight the market opportunity and growth potential
  • Present a comprehensive and realistic financial forecast
  • Showcase a strong management team with relevant experience
  • Provide supporting evidence such as customer testimonials or prototypes
  • Tailor the plan to the specific needs and interests of the investors

By addressing these key elements and demonstrating a well-researched and compelling business opportunity, you can increase the chances of attracting investor interest.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

About the Author

Ali Abassi is a Prompt Engineer and Growth Marketer focused on the AI space. As the founder of AI for Work , Ali's vision is to empower employees to leverage the power of AI in their daily tasks and enhance the dynamics of workplace productivity using AI. For collaboration opportunities, reach out to Ali through the Contact Us page.

Additional Resources to Explore 🔍

  • Prompts for the entrepreneur department
  • Prompts for a professional chief-executive-officer
  • AI for Work Resource Page
  • AI Automation Agency
  • Learn How to Use AI at Work
  • AI Agents Database
  • Subscribe to the AI for Work Newsletter

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Can You Use ChatGPT to Write a Business Plan? Yes, Here’s How

Posted april 17, 2023 by noah parsons.

Aspiring female entrepreneur sitting in front of two computer monitors using ChatGPT generative AI to create a business plan.

The new generation of generative artificial intelligence(AI) tools, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, are fundamentally changing how we create. They can competently write, generate ideas, develop recipes, and even help plan vacations. 

I’ve been looking into how these tools can help with business tasks, specifically business planning. Can generative AI take an idea for a business and transform it into a comprehensive business plan ? Can it be used as a business plan generator?

The answer is “yes”, but it’s not as simple as pushing a single button and getting everything you need. You have to follow a process. Even then, ChatGPT can’t do everything necessary to create a complete business plan. Even more importantly, these tools can’t help you implement the plan and manage your business (yet!).  

In this article, I’ll guide you through using ChatGPT to help you write each section of your business plan. You’ll learn how to quickly create a business plan using AI, understand its limitations, and forever banish writer’s block. 

For more on using ChatGPT to grow your business, check out our guides for creating a financial forecast and advanced ChatGPT prompts for better forecasting .

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI. It’s designed to simulate human-like conversations by processing text inputs, understanding the context, and generating appropriate responses. While not perfect, recent advancements have significantly improved its ability to provide accurate, relevant, and context-aware information—making it more effective in various personal and professional applications.

Related Reading: 9 Best AI-Powered Business Plan Generators Ranked

How to create a business plan with ChatGPT

1. create a simple business plan outline.

Don’t go straight to ChatGPT and ask it to write you a complete business plan. This task is a bit too big for it—at least right now—and you’ll end up with a simple, shallow, and generic overview of your business. 

Instead, divide the business plan into bite-sized sections and use ChatGPT to help you write one section at a time. This approach generates far more detail and the combined results are much more impressive. To divide your business plan into sections, or chapters, you need a business plan outline.

Not sure what sections you need? Ask ChatGPT to create a business plan outline.

An example of using ChatGPT to generate a rough business plan outline.

Overall, the plan outline ChatGPT provides is decent. It includes most of the sections you should include in a business plan. However, it isn’t organized very well and places topics like “legal structure” and “ownership and management” in positions that are too prominent. If you’re trying to raise money, or just exploring your business strategy—your plan should highlight your idea and the market opportunity instead.

To see better results from your ChatGPT business plan, try using this business plan outline instead:

  • Executive Summary
  • Products & Services
  • Target Market
  • Competition
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Milestones & Metrics
  • Company Overview & Team
  • Financial Plan

Need even more detail? Check out the complete, expanded business plan outline .

Using this outline will help you focus on defining what your business opportunity is and why your idea deserves funding. 

I’ll be using this structure for the remainder of this guide to help influence my prompts in ChatGPT and better organize my plan.

A quick note: You should write your executive summary last, so I’m skipping that section for now and will tackle it at the end.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

2. Write about your product or service

In this section of your plan, you describe your product or service and the problems that it solves for your customers. You’ll also describe any initial traction, intellectual property, and future products or services that you plan to offer. 

To use ChatGPT effectively, start your prompt by describing what your business does. The more detail you can provide, the better. Then ask it to help write the products & services section of your business plan. You can see my prompt and part of the initial response here:

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

The initial output is honestly impressive, but also a bit generic (there’s a link to the full output at the end of this article). In this example, that’s caused by my generic prompt. I didn’t describe my business in much detail or explain what makes the business unique. 

If I had added those details to my prompt, I may have received a more specific output. Regardless, the text from ChatGPT will almost never be a straight cut-and-paste for your business plan. You’ll have to review it carefully and customize it for your business and your product offering. 

To get better results, I would add information to the product description in my prompt that includes the types of waterproofing technology my business is using and what makes my products stylish. I would also include some information about initial customer feedback that I’ve received on my prototypes.

As with all ChatGPT prompts, describing the output that you want is also important. I asked ChatGPT only to cover the problem that my business solves and future product offerings. I could have also asked it to describe our initial traction and intellectual property, assuming I’d provided that information in the product description.

Weakness: ChatGPT might not fully understand unique, niche, or complex products/services, leading to incomplete or inaccurate descriptions. As long as you’re aware of this, the text it generates is a good starting point.

3. Develop a market analysis

A market analysis provides an overview of your target market, total market size and segments, market trends, and an industry analysis.

To make the most of ChatGPT, provide a brief overview of your target market and any additional information you may have. If you’re unsure who your target market is, you can also ask ChatGPT for ideas. 

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

This is a great starting point but lacks a lot of detail. It doesn’t provide any real market size numbers or specifics on the growth of the ski industry. If you were starting this business, you’d want to know what your potential market size is in order to make some educated guesses about the potential revenue you might generate.

Investors will also want to know these details and a generic plan without facts and numbers is not all that useful. ChatGPT will politely decline to answer if you ask for more details, citing its lack of capabilities in this area. These current limitations are likely to change soon thanks to additional plug-ins that grant up-to-date web access to gather information.

For now, what ChatGPT is good for is generating some decent writing and structure for the market analysis section of the plan. At this stage, you’ll have to do a little bit of work on your own and go find some facts to plug into the paragraphs that ChatGPT has written. Our market research guide can help you learn where you can find these numbers and plug them into your business plan .

Weakness: ChatGPT’s knowledge is limited to information available up to September 2021 (as of March 2023), so it may not recognize recent market changes or emerging trends. You’ll need to fill in the details with your own research.

4. Provide an overview of your competition

A good competitive analysis reviews the current alternatives on the market and describes your advantages. You should also review any barriers that your company can create to prevent competitors from seizing your opportunity.

If you know who your competition is , provide ChatGPT with that information as well as a summary of why your business is superior. If you don’t know who your competitors are, you can ask ChatGPT for ideas. 

But, be careful to double-check the output that ChatGPT provides. It sometimes will invent information and confidently present that information as facts. Be sure to double-check everything and don’t assume that it’s true.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

ChatGPT does an admirable job of comparing our product to the competition as well as summarizing the competitive advantages. Of course, it’s a bit generic and should be edited to add more specifics, but it’s a solid place to start. 

Weakness: ChatGPT isn’t a full-blown competitive research tool at this point. You’ll need to do some of your own research to understand who your competitors are and what their value proposition is in the market.

5. Develop a marketing and sales plan

A good marketing and sales plan will explain your market positioning, and unique value proposition, as well as outline your marketing, sales, and pricing strategies.

Again, providing ChatGPT with as much detail as you can yields the best results. The more you can describe the business you’re building and the type of marketing and sales strategy you plan on using, the better writing it will do for you.

If you’re short of marketing ideas, you can ask ChatGPT to list marketing and sales ideas tailored to your business. Provide your target market, product/service offering, and desired marketing channels, then ask the AI for suggestions. If you like the ideas, you can incorporate them into your prompt when you ask the AI to help write the marketing and sales strategy section of your business plan.

In your prompt for ChatGPT, be sure to ask that your marketing and sales strategy section includes:

  • Market positioning
  • Unique value proposition
  • Pricing strategy
  • Marketing plan

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

As a useful follow-up, you can ask the AI to generate some advertising copy, social media posts, or promotional materials based on the marketing plan that it generated.

Weakness: The AI-generated strategies may lack creativity or industry-specific insights, potentially limiting their effectiveness.

6. Operations

The operations section of your business plan describes how your business functions. If you have physical stores or manufacturing facilities, you’ll describe them here. If your products are manufactured in a different country, you’ll describe that process. 

Once again, to get the most out of ChatGPT, describe as much as you know about your operational plan and then ask the AI to flesh it out. Describe your location, manufacturing process, customer service, sales channels, fulfillment, and any other aspects of how your business runs on a day-to-day basis. From there, ChatGPT can craft the operations section of your business plan.

If you’re not sure about what your operations should look like, you can ask ChatGPT for ideas. Ask it, “How should I operate my [ski clothing] business?” and it will give you ideas based on your specific business. It might have suggestions around supply chain, customer service, sales, and more.

That said, every business is unique. Your location will be unique and how you choose to do your manufacturing and customer service will likely be different from your competitors. Use ChatGPT for ideas, but then fill in the details that you know specifically.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Weakness: You’ll get out what you put into this section. There’s not a lot of creativity that ChatGPT can add, so you’re really just using it as a writing assistant. Make sure to include as much detail in your prompts as possible.

7. Company overview & team

This section offers a detailed description of your company , including its history and ownership. To use ChatGPT for this section, summarize your company’s background and ask the AI to expand on it, focusing on aspects such as the business structure and core values.

You’ll also want to define your company’s organizational structure and management team. To use ChatGPT, briefly describe your management team’s roles and responsibilities, and ask the AI to create an organizational chart and expand on each role’s duties. You can even ask it to list out any role gaps that you should be aware of.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Weakness: The AI may generate generic content or fail to portray your company’s unique characteristics accurately. The AI may also not grasp the specific intricacies of your company’s hierarchy or be able to recommend the ideal structure for your business. Again, you know your company better than ChatGPT does, so make sure your prompt is detailed and you follow up with additional editing.

8. Financial plan

Using ChatGPT for this section was the real test. Investors and lenders need to understand your company’s potential for growth and profitability, so a detailed financial plan is important. 

Even if you’re not raising money, working on the financial projections is crucial. You need to understand how your business works from a financial perspective and what it’s going to take to be successful. While ChatGPT did a fairly good job at writing the strategy sections of the business plan, producing a viable financial model turned out to be a challenge. 

To test it out, I provided a brief overview of what I thought my revenue forecast might look like and asked the AI to generate financial statement projections for the next five years.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

It turns out that ChatGPT just isn’t capable of helping very much with this section of the business plan, and it says as much in its response. 

I was hoping for a detailed financial forecast, with at least 12 months of detailed statements, followed by 4 years of annual detail. I was also hoping for a detailed expense budget and calculations on profit and cash flow over time, all formatted as standard financial statements.

Unfortunately, ChatGPT just is not ready to do that quite yet. In part, this is because the tool is a generative text tool and is not designed to create financial models in Excel or any other spreadsheet format.

That’s likely to change in the future as AI gets integrated into Excel, Google Sheets, and other spreadsheets. But, for now, it’s just not ready. 

That said, ChatGPT can help you come up with ideas to help you flesh out your financial plan. I asked it to suggest some ideas for revenue streams and it provided ideas I hadn’t thought of. I would do the same—ask for suggestions—for the expense forecast to make sure I didn’t miss anything when building my financial model.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Your business plan needs a full financial plan. It helps you determine how much money you need to start the business and keep the business afloat as you grow. You’ll also want to be able to easily change the numbers and see how that impacts your profitability and cash flow.

A good Excel spreadsheet or a business planning tool like LivePlan is likely a better option than ChatGPT for your financial plan. However, ChatGPT can help you think about how you’ll make money and what your key expenses will be.

Check out this article for a more detailed step-by-step guide for using ChatGPT to create useful financial forecasts .

Weakness: ChatGPT does not have the expertise to produce accurate financial projections or offer nuanced financial advice. The AI can also not currently produce a financial model that can be easily adjusted to help determine the key information you need to start and run your business successfully.

9. Simplify your plan into an executive summary

Wait until you’ve completed your business plan to have ChatGPT help you with your executive summary . You’ll get a much better result by asking the AI to summarize your plan rather than going the other way around and asking it to write the summary first before you’ve fleshed out the details.

Once you’ve completed your plan, you can cut & paste it into ChatGPT and ask it to create the summary. Or, if you’ve been getting help with your plan in a single chat session, you can just ask ChatGPT to summarize what you’ve created so far. You can even ask it to limit the summary to a certain number of words. 

Another tip is to tell ChatGPT to write in a certain style. For example, if your business plan is for a complex medical device, you might want your executive summary to be simple and jargon-free. In that case, you can ask ChatGPT to write in a simple, non-scientific style.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Be aware of ChatGPT’s weaknesses

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for drafting a business plan but it’s essential to be aware of its limitations and weaknesses before you delegate your business planning task to AI.

  • It can lack creativity
  • Industry-specific insights may be hard to get
  • You’ll need to do your own market research
  • Only you have an understanding of your business’s unique position in the market.
  • It may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.
  • As of March 20, 2023, it only knows about the world up until 2021.

But, these weaknesses don’t mean that it’s not a useful tool. ChatGPT is a great writing assistant and it can help brainstorm ideas, even giving you new perspectives on your business that you may not have thought of. And, if you’re in need of a business name, it can do that too:

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Should you use ChatGPT to help you with your business plan?

A business plan helps entrepreneurs in three core areas: 

  • Figure out your strategy
  • Understand the numbers behind your business
  • Run a better business

ChatGPT can really only help with your strategy. 

It can take your ideas and expand on them, even providing new ideas that you might want to incorporate into your strategy. However, it cannot develop a full financial plan or assist you with ongoing analysis. A dedicated tool, like LivePlan, is really the better choice for these tasks.

Understanding the numbers that drive your business is crucial

A business can only be a business if it eventually makes money. The planning process helps you figure out the sales that you’ll need to make to cover expenses and what kind of cash you’ll need to get your business off the ground and keep it running. 

Without this knowledge, failure is a real possibility. ChatGPT can’t develop a full financial plan, but it can help you think through your revenue streams and key expenses. It can’t really do the numbers for you, but it can certainly help you get started.

Planning helps you run a better business

As you get up and running, tracking your results compared to your financial plan is an important part of running a responsible business. Using your accounting data, you can compare your actual spending to your budget and see where you’re on track and where you need to make adjustments. You’ll also see which sales channels are working well and which you’ll need to grow further. 

The process of using your plan to track your progress and refine your strategy is called growth planning . Turning your plan from a static document into a tool to run your business is one of the most important things you can do to improve your chances of success. In fact, businesses that track their growth against their plan grow 30% faster than those that don’t.

Unfortunately, ChatGPT isn’t really set up to help with this kind of detailed, ongoing analysis. A dedicated tool, like LivePlan , is really the better choice here.

The bottom line, ChatGPT can be a valuable helper in the business planning process. It’s like having a smart assistant at your side that can take your ideas and flesh out the details. But, it does have limitations, especially with the financial plan, and can’t help with the entire planning and business management processes just yet.

So, it’s not quite an AI business plan generator. But, when used correctly and with the right prompting it can help you break past writer’s block, think through each section, and ultimately write a solid plan.

Here’s the complete Ski and Snowboard Clothing Company business plan that ChatGPT helped write.

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How to Write a Business Plan with ChatGPT: Step-by-Step Guide

Read to learn how to write a business plan with ChatGPT to craft a comprehensive business plan efficiently.

by Mortuza Hossain • 17 May 2024

How to Write a Business Plan with ChatGPT: Step-by-Step Guide

A well-structured business plan is the foundation of any successful venture. It helps to run an organisation smoothly guiding their business goals, marketing, and financial strategies. 

And, ChatGPT can help you to make a successful business plan. It can create a detailed business strategy to align with your company's vision and values.

Well, then how to write a business plan with ChatGPT? 

In this write-up, we’ll show the step-by-step guide to  using ChatGPT  as a business planning tool and craft a comprehensive business plan efficiently. 

Let’s get started! 

Understanding the Components of a Business Plan  

A business plan is a well-defined and structured framework of goals, strategies, and financial projections for a company. So, making a proper business plan is crucial to setting a company’s vision, and effective direction, securing funding, and guiding successful operations. It has several key components and each component serves a specific purpose.

The key components of a business plan should include the following factors: 

1. Executive Summary: Overview of the entire plan, highlighting key points

2. Company Description: Details about the company's history, mission, and structure

3. Market Analysis: Assessment of target market and competition

4. Products/Services: Description of offerings and unique value

5. Marketing & Sales Strategy: Plan to promote and sell products

6. Operational Plan: Day-to-day business operations

7. Organizational Structure: Company's hierarchy and roles

8. Financial Projections: Forecast of revenues and expenses

9. Funding Request (if applicable): Amount and use of funding

10. Appendix: Supporting documents and data

How to Write a Business Plan with ChatGPT: Step-by-Step Guide  

ChatGPT can assist you in writing a compiling a business plan, but it needs prompts to understand the context and the intent. You need to guide it with relevant queries to generate clear and coherent responses effectively. 

To illustrate the business planning process, we’ll use "Green World Solutions” - an imaginary startup specializing in eco-friendly tech products.

We'll demonstrate how to create a business plan using ChatGPT that paves the way for Green World Solutions' growth and opportunities in the online platform. 

1. Preparing to Use ChatGPT   

Before you start, make sure, you’ve gathered all essential information about your business. You should organize all the information about the mission, target audience, market research data, financial projections and  marketing strategies  to ensure a smooth conversation with ChatGPT.

You need to create an account to use ChatGPT. ChatGPT 3.5 is free to use. But you have to pay if you want to use ChatGPT premium plans, powered by  GPT 4 .

As we know, ChatGPT will generate the answers based on your prompt, you should be good at  prompt engineering . 

Remember while using ChatGPT: 

  • Be specific in your requests
  • Use clear and concise language
  • Be patient as ChatGPT is still under development

 👉 Related Read:  How to Write ChatGPT Prompts Properly

2. Crafting the Executive Summary

The executive summary is an overview of your whole business plan and your prompt must reflect it. You can write the prompt including:

  • A concise description of your business
  • The problem your business solves and its target market
  • Unique selling proposition (USP) and business strategy
  • Future growth projections and goals

ChatGPT Prompt Example: 

Write an impactful Executive Summary for Green World Solutions. It’s an eco-friendly tech e-commerce startup, providing sustainable products to environmentally-conscious consumers. Our future goals include market expansion, product innovation, and global outreach.

Crafting the Executive Summary with chatgpt

Based on our prompt, ChatGPT has created an executive summary highlighting the purpose of your startup business, target market, product Innovation, global opportunities, company's growth objectives, and other key financial properties.

3. Developing the Business Description   

Next, develop an extensive and clear business description with ChatGPT. To do so, define the purpose, core values, and business model in the prompt.

You can expand on the business overview by providing more details like the following:

  • Mission and vision of the company
  • History (if any) and the founders' background
  • Legal structure (e.g., LLC, Limited company, Corporation) and location of the business
  • Any patents, trademarks, or intellectual property
Help me develop a compelling Business Description for Green World Solutions, established in 2024, a sister concern of Green World LLC, showcasing its commitment to sustainability and innovative product offerings.

Developing the Business Description with chatgpt

ChatGPT generates a well-descriptive business description including the company history, type, vision, mission, sustainability, and product offerings.

4. Conducting Market & Competitor Analysis  

Market research and competitor analysis in a business plan are vital for informed decision-making. At the same time, it’s important to identify opportunities and gain a competitive edge. 

To conduct market research and competitor analysis, your ChatGPT prompts may include: 

  • Brief of your target market and its size
  • Market trends and growth potential
  • Detailed analysis of your competitors and their strengths/weaknesses.
  • Your market entry strategy and competitive advantage

ChatGPT Prompt Example:  

Assist me in analyzing Green World Solutions' target market, growth opportunity, industry trends, and potential competitors as an eCommerce platform for eco-friendly tech products.

Conducting Market & Competitor Analysis using chatgpt

The generated output contains market research, and future opportunities, mentions the names of potential competitors, and their strategies to get competitive advantages in order to differentiate Green World Solutions effectively.

5. Defining Products and Services   

Using ChatGPT, you can outline the products or services your business offers. You can mention the names of the products and take different insights about their possibilities to the tagged audiences. 

Or, you can ask ChatGPT to suggest the product or service line for your business with their unique features, and market opportunities. Then you can choose your targeted product that can meet customer needs. 

ChatGPT Prompt Example

Define and suggest Green World Solutions’ product line, highlighting their eco-friendliness and innovative capabilities.

Defining Products and Services using chatgpt

ChatGPT categorizes the product suggestions for Green World Solutions as well as describes their unique features. It also defines how these products address consumer needs and contributes to a greener future.

After selecting your preferred product or service, you can write a clear description of each product or service. For example, you choose solar-powered chargers as your primary product. You can analyze the following factors using ChatGPT to define your business goal more accurately. 

  • Features and benefits of the products or services
  • Manufacturing or sourcing process for physical products
  • Quality assurance and customer support measures
  • Target market and customer demographics
  • Market demand and potential growth opportunities
  • Potential scalability and expansion strategies
  • Future product/service extensions or diversification plans

6. Developing Pricing Strategy    

You can utilize ChatGPT's insights to develop a competitive pricing strategy for your business. With ChatGPT, determine an appropriate pricing strategy considering the following factors:

  • Factors influencing your pricing decisions like lifecycle, quality assurance, etc.
  • Comparison with competitors' pricing
  • Target market preferences
  • Profit margins and sales volume expectations
Assist me to establish a pricing strategy that balances Green World Solutions' affordability with its commitment to sustainability for solar-powered chargers, considering the USA market and potential competitors.

Developing Pricing Strategy using chatgpt

You will get a clear idea of pricing strategy by considering the necessary factors. ChatGPT suggests pricing models maintaining a balance between profitability and customer appeal.

7. Creating the Marketing and Sales Strategy   

You should have a proper marketing and sales strategy to promote your products and services. To do so, you need to explore digital marketing channels, partnerships, and sales tactics to reach a wider audience.

However, ChatGPT makes this process easier. You can utilize the AI power of  ChatGPT in outlining an effective marketing and sales plan. 

Include the following factors in the prompt to get a better marketing and sales strategy. 

  • Marketing channels and strategies to reach your target audience
  • Sales tactics and approaches to convert leads into customers
  • Marketing budget and ROI projections
Provide ideas for an effective marketing and sales strategy to propel Green World Solutions' products into the market. My target is to promote solar-powered chargers among teenage and old people in New York City at first and my plan is to sell around $500,000 in year 1.

Creating the Marketing and Sales Strategy using chatgpt

For marketing and sales strategies, ChatGPT suggests implementing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to increase organic traffic. Also, For establishing, you can utilise social media platforms, run campaigns to engage with the target audience and run targeted ads.

8. Establishing Management and Organizational Structure   

Your business must have an established management and organisational structure. Clear roles, responsibilities, and hierarchy are important for effective decision-making, efficient operations, and running a cohesive and productive work environment. 

You can use ChatGPT to define the key roles and responsibilities within your organization:

  • The management team's background and qualifications
  • Organizational hierarchy and reporting structure
  • Any strategic partnerships or key external stakeholders
Green World is an online platform to sell eco-friendly tech products. Please help me outline the structure and the roles and responsibilities of the management team.

Establishing Management and Organizational Structure using chatgpt

ChatGPT provides an overview describing the roles and responsibilities of key management personnel in the eCommerce platform, such as the CEO, COO, CTO, head of marketing, project managers, etc. It also explains their expertise and how they contribute to the company's success.

9. Requesting Funding (if applicable)  

A funding request is needed in an online e-commerce business to support initial setup costs, market analysis, and ongoing operations. Funding is also beneficial for successful market entry and growth.

So, if you need funding, ChatGPT can help you create a compelling case:

  • How much funding do you need and how do you plan to use it
  • Potential funding sources (e.g., investors, loans)
  • Projected financial documents, including cash flow statements and ROI for investors
I'm looking for investors for my sustainable eco-friendly eCommerce platform. Can you help me create a compelling funding request for Green World Solutions showing the growth prospects and long-term sustainability?


ChatGPT creates a persuasive funding request that includes the growth prospects, the purpose of the funds (e.g., production, marketing strategy), projected financial plans, and the potential return on investment for investors.

10. Adding Supplementary Information   

Apart from these components, you can enhance the business plan with specific details, additional data, analysis, and visuals to highlight the key points. At the same time,  it’s important to provide a complete outlook for potential stakeholders.

You can generate any relevant additional details for your business plan using flexible prompts in ChatGPT such as:

  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Table and statistical data representation
  • Risk assessment and mitigation strategies
  • Legal and regulatory considerations, etc.
Conduct a SWOT analysis for my sustainable eco-friendly eCommerce platform - Green World Solutions. Can you assist?

You’ll find the SWOT analysis by identifying the company's strengths (e.g., unique selling proposition, user-friendly interface), weaknesses (e.g., limited product range), opportunities (e.g., international expansion), and threats (e.g., supply chain challenges).


How does chatgpt work.

  • Trained on a large dataset of diverse text
  • Adapted to specific tasks with fine-tuning
  • Uses the Transformer architecture for natural language processing
  • Learns to predict the next word in a sentence using pre-training
  • Converts prompt into tokens and generates responses based on learned patterns

Is ChatGPT Suitable for all Types of Business Plans?   

Yes , you can use ChatGPT for making various types of business plans, including startups, established businesses, non-profits, and more. Its advanced language model and versatility allow it to create more specialized plans for different industries and sectors.

If you need help with business plans, check out our blog on the latest and best  online business ideas  for more insights and inspiration.

Can ChatGPT Help with Financial Projections for the Business Plan?   

Yes , ChatGPT can assist you to make financial projections for a business plan. It analyzes historical financial data, market trends, and relevant industry information. Plus, it can provide insights, expenses, revenue projections, and cash flows to make informed financial projections for the business plan.

Does Using ChatGPT for Business Plans Require Technical Expertise?   

You don't need technical expertise to use ChatGPT for your business plan. However, having a sound understanding of your business and the ability to review/customize the AI-generated content is helpful for making a successful business plan.

What are the advantages of using ChatGPT over traditional business plan writing methods?   

Using ChatGPT offers several advantages over traditional methods such as: 

  • Speeds up the writing process
  • Offers creative ideas and perspectives
  • Provides a wealth of information
  • Saves cost and effort

Are there any limitations to using ChatGPT for making a business plan?   

Though ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it has some limitations while making a business plan including

  • Lack of domain expertise
  • Limited validation
  • Bias in data
  • Risk of over-reliance
  • Security and privacy concerns
  • Difficulty handling ambiguity, etc.

What are the ChatGPT Alternatives to writing a business plan?   

Some of the  alternatives to ChatGPT  to write a business plan include 

  • Perplexity AI

Final Words  

A business plan is more than just a document; it's a roadmap to success, guiding you through challenges and opportunities on your entrepreneurial journey. ChatGPT has offered valuable insights and creative assistance in making business plans. 

Here, we’ve depicted a step-by-step guide to using the AI capabilities of ChatGPT to outline every business plan component. Hopefully, now you can create a business plan with this comprehensive discussion on “How to write a business plan with ChatGPT”. 

So, why are you waiting? 

Go forth, be bold, use AI power to build successful business plans and turn your dreams into reality. 

Mortuza Hossain

Mortuza Hossain

Mortuza Hossain is a content writer and editor at Dorik with expertise in SaaS, SEO, WordPress, eCommerce, and Technology. He writes to deliver reliable and valuable information that solves people’s problems worldwide. Apart from work, he loves to travel, read, watch movies, and spend time with his family and friends.  

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Créer son entreprise avec ChatGPT en 7 étapes

De plus en plus de startupeurs utilisent des outils d’intelligence artificielle à chaque étape de leur projet de création d’entreprise. Verdict : il faut peaufiner, mais l’essentiel y est !

Par Bruno Askenazi Publié le 15/10/2023 à 18h30

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Dans le sillage de ChatGPT , des milliers d’IA interactives ont envahi Internet. Rien de plus «facile» désormais que de poser ses questions en langage naturel et d’obtenir des réponses. En matière de création d’entreprise, ces outils ont désormais un rôle à jouer : de l’idéation à la construction d’une offre en passant par la création d’un site, l’intelligence artificielle se met à votre service pour peaufiner un projet, développer une appli, créer vos premiers contenus…

ChatGPT ne vous donnera pas «l’idée du siècle». Mais lui et ses congénères sont là pour vous aider à challenger votre projet, disposer d’une première base de travail et affiner votre concept par un jeu de questions-réponses. Rencontres avec des créateurs qui ont appris à tirer le meilleur parti de ces ­cerveaux numériques.

1. Clarifier vos idées

Si votre envie de départ n’est pas très précise, ChatGPT vous aidera à défricher le terrain. Dans la requête adressée au chatbot – appelée le «prompt» –, on peut par exemple indiquer «j’aime le journalisme scientifique, la culture sud-américaine et l’univers viticole, propose-moi des idées de start-up ou de boutique en ligne en lien avec ces activités».

Entre la «création d’une plateforme de vente en ligne de vins sud américains», le lancement d’un «podcast sur la culture sud américaine» ou d’une agence de tourisme viticole, il faudra bien sûr faire le tri ! De requête en requête, affinez votre idée jusqu’à obtenir deux ou trois projets qui tiennent la route.

Mais comment se renseigner sur le potentiel commercial d’un marché ou d’une idée ? Flint, un outil de veille d’information basé sur une IA, vous envoie à un rythme régulier une sélection personnalisée d’articles.

Cofondé par le journaliste Benoît Raphaël, expert en innovation média, Flint est gratuit dans sa version de base. Pendant cette phase de recherche, appuyez-vous également sur Perplexity AI, une IA conversationnelle combinée à un moteur de recherche. Contrairement à ChatGPT, dont l’actualisation des données s’arrête fin 2021, Perplexity traite de sujets d’actualité récents en indiquant ses sources et les liens pour les consulter.

>> Création d'entreprise ou d’association, gestion des factures et rédaction des statuts : entrepreneurs, tous nos services pour vous accompagner dans vos démarches

2. Affiner votre offre

Que diriez-vous de rencontrer vos futurs clients ? Jean-Alexandre Baghdiguian, fondateur en 2022 de Grinta Agency, une agence de création de sites, a passé «trois mois, huit heures par jour» pour comprendre tout ce qu’on pouvait tirer de Chat­GPT en matière de création d’entreprise .

Selon cet entrepreneur débrouillard, le chatbot s’avère particulièrement utile pour comprendre les questions que se posent les clients potentiels : «Si vous ciblez les épiceries fines, par exemple, demandez à ChatGPT de tenir le rôle d’une épicerie fine. Posez-lui ensuite vos questions sur ses principales attentes ou préoccupations», explique l’entrepreneur.

Pour optimiser les réponses, fournissez à votre IA consultante toutes les informations utiles pour bien tenir son rôle : par exemple, un texte de référence, une étude de marché ou un article d’actualité sur telle ou telle problématique proche du projet que vous élaborez.

3. Choisir un nom et un logo

ChatGPT peut également vous aider à forger votre identité de marque. «L’IA nous a sorti plein de listes de noms. Avec mon associée, nous n’avons choisi aucune des propositions, mais cela nous a donné une base de réflexion.

En écartant tout ce qu’on ne voulait pas, on a gagné du temps», témoigne Laura Bokobza, cofondatrice de Mangomindd (accompagnement de start-up en hypercroissance). L’entrepreneuse a ensuite utilisé une autre IA, Brandmark.io, pour créer le logo et la charte graphique de sa start-up.

Les propositions de la machine n’ont, encore une fois, pas été retenues, mais elles ont servi de canevas pour avancer. D’autres outils de création de logo sont disponibles, tel Looka, qui fournit des résultats en quelques minutes.

4. Créer vos premiers contenus

Description de produit, article de blog, traduction : en matière de contenu écrit, ChatGPT est la référence. Le bot rédige un texte à partir de requêtes très simples, comme «Je voudrais un résumé de dix lignes et en quatre points du texte suivant».

Le premier essai ne sera sans doute pas le bon. Mais en réitérant plusieurs fois la demande et en ajoutant des éléments de contexte à chaque étape, on finit par obtenir un résultat correct. Les créateurs de sites marchands en quête de contenu optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche ont intérêt à tester Jasper AI. Fournissez-lui des articles, des rapports ou des mots-clés, et il produit instan­tanément le contenu souhaité dans le format adéquat.

5. Ajouter des images

Midjourney, BlueWillow, Stable Diffusion, NightCafe, Easy-Peasy.AI, Dall-E : il existe de nombreux outils générateurs d’images à partir de prompts. Argil.ai se distingue en se nourrissant d’autres images et non d’instructions écrites.

Pour insérer des photos de produits dans l’ambiance de votre choix, vous pouvez utiliser Withflair.ai , qui propose un énorme choix de décors. Pratique pour les sites d’e-commerce ! Côté images animées, Genmo ou Synthesia transforment carrément un texte en vidéo.

Pour Jean-Baptiste Berthoux, ingénieur et formateur ès ChatGPT : «Il est possible de créer rapidement une première version de page d’accueil, avec une proposition de valeur, des idées de pub, des images et des vidéos. On peut ainsi tester plus de choses et parvenir plus vite à un projet abouti.»

Le résultat est bluffant : selon une récente étude réalisée par la start-up Sortlist auprès de 500 chefs d’entreprise en Europe, 54,38% sont incapables de différencier un site conçu par une IA de celui réalisé par un humain !

6. Trouver des clients

Charles Simonet, étudiant entrepreneur, se sert de ChatGPT pour promouvoir son nouveau réseau social destiné aux passionnés de mangas. «J’ai demandé à l’IA à quelles heures les 18-25 ans se connectaient le plus à Tik Tok pour améliorer l’efficacité de ma communication», explique-t-il.

L’entrepreneur ne s’est pas arrêté là. Il a demandé à l’IA de rédiger son premier argumentaire commercial : «Ecris un pitch pour le produit X qui résout un problème répandu et n’oublie pas de bien mettre en avant les valeurs de l’entreprise.»

De son côté, Laura Bokobza a fait rédiger à ChatGPT des posts LinkedIn en lui demandant de suivre scrupuleusement les techniques de l’art de la persuasion à l’écrit. «J’ai tout repris ensuite, mais partir d’un texte structuré m’a fait gagner un temps précieux», assure-t-elle.

«Pour générer des messages marketing efficaces, précise Jean-Baptiste Berthoux, il faut bien préciser à la machine quel est son rôle, lui dire, par exemple, “agis comme un prospecteur”, et lui donner, comme à un stagiaire, de bons exemples à suivre». Avec Tugan.ia, inutile, a priori, de fournir autant d’infos : il suffit de lui donner une URL ou un texte descriptif d’un produit pour qu’il produise des mails commerciaux prêts à l’emploi. A vérifier toutefois avant de les envoyer aux prospects !

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7. Attention aux «Chat-lucinations»

ChatGPT, comme les autres modèles d’IA générative, souffre parfois d’«hallucinations». «Ces hallucinations, explique Michael Aim, qui s’est appuyé sur des IA pour développer un logiciel de pilotage et de mesure d’impact de la transformation des entreprises (Datamensio), ce sont parfois des tentatives pour combler les vides et réagir aux tâtonnements de l’utilisateur.»

Mieux vaut donc maîtriser un minimum son sujet avant d’avoir recours à une IA, pour être capable de repérer les erreurs. L’usage de l’anglais est également préférable, pour obtenir des résultats de meilleure qualité. «Les erreurs découlent souvent de pratiques trop superficielles», insiste Michael Aim. Evitez ainsi d’acheter des prompts «prêts à l’emploi» sur des marketplaces dédiées.

  • intelligence artificielle

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5 chatgpt prompts to write your business plan.

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5 ChatGPT prompts to write your business plan

A dream without a plan is just a wish, so get ChatGPT to help make your plan. Tell it your hopes and dreams and see everything laid out in front of you, ready to share with the world. Convince investors you’re the real deal, secure a business loan and set the mission firmly in your mind with a solid business plan that stands up to questioning.

You could write your own from scratch. You could enrol in a business course or find a YouTuber to talk you through the process. But following these prompts will create you a business plan in record time. As with all ChatGPT-generated text, add further prompting to iterate your message and keep editing until you’re happy. Get 80% there with the following guides and fine tune the rest yourself.

How to use ChatGPT to write your business plan

Executive summary.

A good plan starts with an executive summary. Your opening statement. A clear and concise description of what your business does and for whom. It sets the scene for where you are and explains where you want to be. Don’t over-complicate this step and don’t underplay the importance of this document. Turn the waffle in your mind into strong and compelling words on a page.

Your executive summary serves to convince readers into continuing. Components include descriptions of your offering, where you are right now, what the numbers look like and where you want to go. Copy and paste into ChatGPT and edit this prompt to suit your needs:

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“My business is called [name] and it offers [type of products or services you offer] to [your target audience]. It makes money by [explain your revenue model]. This business is in a good position because [explain elements of the business that make it relevant right now] and our revenue or cash position is [describe your financial position]. So far we have [outline achievements so far] and we plan to [include your plans for the future]. Can you help me craft a short executive summary that transforms that information into a clear and concise description for the first page of my business plan. Adopt a tone that is [describe the tone you want for your business plan, for example professional and direct].”

Business overview

Now it’s time to go into the details of what you do. Ask ChatGPT for a business overview that forms the second part of your business plan. Split these down by your goals, the market, your target audience, products and services and how you make money. Make it clear why you are well positioned to do what you do by including your unique strengths in this market.

The clearer you can be in your prompt, the clearer the text you will get out. Punch in as much detail as possible and leave ChatGPT to turn it into sections. Carrying forward the tone from your summary will make your business plan match your brand and the message align perfectly. Here’s the prompt to take forward:

“Next in the business plan is a business overview. Please write this to include sections titled [edit as appropriate: goals, the market, target audience, products and services, route to market]. Our business goals are [explain your top 3 business goals] within [timeframe for achieving them and exit plan]. We serve [demographics of your specific target audience] and solve their problem of [describe their top problems your business addresses]. Our offering consists of [describe your product or services], which [add more information about them] and our revenue model is [go into more detail on how you make money]. Use the same tone of voice as the last section.”

Sales and marketing

It’s no use having the world’s best business if no one knows it exists. This is where your sales and marketing plan comes in. Use the power of ChatGPT to create this outline based on what you’ve told it about your business. If you know what you’re going to do already, add it into the prompt. If you’re not quite sure, let ChatGPT give you answers, formatted in a reader-friendly way.

Here’s where it gets interesting. Ask ChatGPT for more information than you need, and cut out the nonessential. See where it goes with its hopes for your business. If you’re just starting out, your sales and marketing plan will likely be short term. You’ll begin by testing channels, doubling down on a few as you start to see results. This section will be out of date pretty soon, it just needs to look good for now. This prompt requires little editing, just use the same chat to continue the conversation.

“Based on what you know about my business, please create the sales and marketing section of my business plan. Create a compelling value proposition that communicates the unique benefits of my product or service to my target audience. Outline effective marketing strategies I can use to promote my business and reach my target audience. Please also explain any industry trends, customer needs, and potential competitors that my business should be aware of. Finally, write a description of my ideal customer, add a paragraph on positioning and how we present ourselves to this person, and include how we will ensure we set ourselves apart from competitors. So far, we have planned [describe any existing plans].”

Operations and management

By now you have your executive summary, business overview, and your sales and marketing plan. Now you need to explain how your business will run in practice. External parties want to know all about how your business operates in the smoothest possible way, and this is where you make that clear.

This part is about people and processes. You want to communicate that not only do you know what you’re doing, but you have other people in place who do too. These team members are going to be following processes that stand up to volume. They will be delivering on the promises you made to your customers, solving the problems outlined in the previous sections of your business plan. Like with the last section, let ChatGPT come up with this outline. Tell it what you know and see the rest spun into a polished document that you’re proud to share.

“Now please write the operations and management section of my business plan. Please include details on the people and processes that will ensure this business runs smoothly and achieves its goals. Include how we deliver the product or service, how we ensure quality control, how we manage inventory, suppliers and customers, and [any other sections you want to include]. Also go into detail on the people, including the organizational structure and lines of communication. Incorporate this information: [explain anything else to include].”

Financial plan

While words are great, now we want numbers. Investors, financial institutions and even landlords want to understand how you will pay your bills and not cause a nuisance. Even if you know very little about your projected revenue and profit, tell ChatGPT the basics to have them worked up into a plan.

Your financial information should include your monthly income and expenses, a 12-month plan and one for the longer term. It’s probably relevant to include your breakeven number. You could also include the capital requirements at different stages of business and one-off costs to expect with growth. All can be documented in rows within beautiful tables; use this prompt to throw in a jumbled mess of numbers and see what comes out:

"Given what you know so far, can you create a detailed financial plan, including sales forecasts, expenses, and funding requirements for my business. I’m looking for the following, in table format: (1) a breakdown of my monthly income and expenses right now (2) a 12-month plan (3) a 3-year plan (4) my breakeven number right now and (5) any future big expenses that will be incurred at specific stages. Here’s all the information to incorporate [include any information on price per unit, units expected to sell, cost per unit, staff costs, rent, rates, machinery, software and so on].”

Write your business plan with ChatGPT

Within these 5 prompts there’s a comprehensive business plan that you can whip up today. While collecting the information and editing the inputs might take a bit of thought, it’s tiny compared to how long this document would take to write from scratch. What ChatGPT creates will give you a huge head start even if it’s not perfect, because now you have something to edit.

You don’t need to slave away with documentation, you have a business to start. Leave the wordy admin to your favourite large language model and deliver the goods in a shorter space of time.

Jodie Cook

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Nos fiches techniques Business Plan Comment faire un business plan avec Chat GPT ou l’IA ?

Comment écrire son business plan avec l’intelligence artificielle ?

Chat GPT permet-il de rédiger un business plan ? Quelles astuces vous permettront d’écrire plus facilement votre business plan en utilisant chat GPT ? Pourquoi faut-il malgré tout rédiger votre business plan à plusieurs ? Les réponses dans cette fiche pratique.

Un travail d’équipe

Pourquoi utiliser un modèle de business plan

Pourquoi aller sur le terrain

Les erreurs à ne pas faire avec ChatGPT

Chat GPT peut être utilisé  intelligemment

Chat GPT peut toutefois être utilisé intelligemment

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Pourquoi participer à un concours de business plan

9 étapes pour écrire son business plan

Rédiger un business plan 100% avec chat GPT

Faire un business plan avec chat GPT : Nos conseils

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Rédiger son business plan, un travail d’équipe avant tout

A. un prompt pour un business plan est insuffisant.

  • impersonnel
  • sans donnée récente (chat GPT n’est pas à jour des dernières études de marché)

B. L’équipe doit participer à la rédaction

Chat gpt est un appui à la rédaction de business plan.

Vous pouvez en revanche utiliser chat GPT pour gagner du temps dans la rédaction de business plan. Voici une liste de point prompts et questions que vous pouvez lui poser pour vous aider :

  • Quel est le plan d’un business plan ?
  • Peux tu me donner les KPIs à faire figurer dans le business plan d’un hôtel ?
  • Combien y a t il d’hôtel dans le monde? Quelles sont tes sources?
  • Quels sont les différents business model possibles

L’idée n’est pas que chat gpt rédige pour vous votre business plan mais qu’il soit un compagnons vous permettant de réfléchir en miroir à ce qu’il faut mettre dans votre business plan.

Rédiger son business plan, prendre un modèle

Des outils existent en complément de chat GPT pour vous faire gagner du temps et améliore votre réflexion.

Le modèle de business plan vous permettra également de gagner du temps et savoir où vous allez. Il est également utilisé pour souligner les données qui vous manquent et qu’il va vous falloir collecter sur le terrain. Compléter le ensuite en posant les bonnes questions à chat GPT.

Enfin, que ce soient les banquiers ou les investisseurs, ces derniers attendent un document assez formaté. Réutilisez donc les modèles existants afin d’employer le même langage. L’originalité ne paie pas toujours, surtout en matière de business plan (en revanche pour les pitchs, c’est autre chose).

Les erreurs à ne pas faire avec Chat GPT

1. ne pas compter sur chat gpt pour les actualités.

ChatGPT n’est pas à jour de l’actualité. Aussi, il sera difficile pour vous de vous en servir comme un outil complet pour la rédaction de votre business plan. En effet, pour votre analyse PESTEL ou pour étayer les avantages de votre marché, vous avez besoin de vous fonder sur une actualité économique dont ChagtGPT ne dispose pas les données. Il vous brodera sans doute des informations, mais vous perdrez en crédibilité devant vos investisseurs dans la mesure ou vous n’aurez pas de chiffres, d’actualité ou de faits récents pour appuyer vos arguments. Et, même lorsque Chatgpt vous fournis des exemples, il ne donne pas ses sources, donc il sera plus compliqué pour vous de creuser ses pistes et de les utiliser de manière autonome.

2.  Chat GPT ne sait pas calculer

Par ailleurs, la partie financière et son analyse ne sont pas à faire avec Chatgpt. En effet l’IA n’est pas capable de faire des calculs compliqués en encore moins d’analyser vos chiffres de manière pertinente. Pourtant pour rédiger un bon business plan, il vous faut un solide prévisionnel financier, analysant vos charges, votre CA, votre CDR… sur fond de votre produit et de votre marché ; ce que Chatgpt ne sait pas bien faire. CAF, EBITDA ou encore BFR sont incalculables pour chatgpt qui n’est pas un outil puissant de calcul.

3.  Chat GPT est trop neutre

Aussi, il est important que votre business plan reflète vos attentes, votre histoire, et une intelligence artificielle ne pourra jamais remplacer votre présentation et votre point de vue du projet que vous avez construit. Chatgpt est incapable de transmettre des émotions, pourtant votre présentation auprès des investisseurs doit être personnelle et doit susciter un certain intérêt auprès de ces derniers. La neutralité de chatgpt dans sa manière de rédiger est un réel frein dans l’aboutissement de votre projet.

4.  Chat GPT ne sait pas être précis

Finalement, Chatgpt reste beaucoup trop vague pour qu’il se suffise à lui-même, surtout dans le cas de la rédaction d’un business plan. En effet, pour convaincre des investisseurs, vous avez besoin d’un business plan solide, et surtout détaillé, tandis que chatgpt se contente de donner quelques idées en surface sans les creuser de manière concrète. Pourtant ce que cherchent les investisseurs, c’est la précision de vos idées et de vos recherches, leur argumentation etc…

1. Chat GPT peut être force de proposition

ChatGPT vous permet d’avoir de nouvelles idées pour étayer votre business plan ou des arguments pour étayer vos propos. Que ce soit pour justifier votre cible de marché, pour argumenter sur vos opportunités d’ouverture ou de croissance, chatgpt saura vous transmettre des informations auxquelles vous n’aurez pas pensé. Par ailleurs, l’IA est capable de vous soumettre des difficultés auxquelles vous n’aurez pas penser et que vous pourrez mentionner dans votre business plan. Ces idées restent néanmoins des aides à la réflexion et ne constituent en aucun cas un rendu définitif.

2. Chat GPT structure vos idées

Chatgpt est également capable d’organise vos idées et de vous proposer un plan clair pour votre business plan. Si l’argumentation et le détail ne sont pas ses points forts, Chatgpt est très doué pour clarifier des idées et les classer de manière à faire un rendu clair, agréable à lire et organisé.

3. Chat GPT résume très bien

Par ailleurs, Chatgpt est un bon outil pour résumer des paragraphes. Si vous estimez que certaines de vos parties sont trop longues, ou si simplement vous souhaiter écrire des conclusions entre vos parties, Chatgpt est le bon outil pour vous aider à ces taches, dans la mesure où vous relisez attentivement son rendu.

Rédiger son business plan, aller sur le terrain !

  • Allez à la rencontre de vos clients . Posez-leur directement des questions. Chat GPT ne peut pas le faire.
  • Rencontrez des experts,
  • Elargissez votre réseau.

Rédiger son business plan, un regard extérieur

A. faire relire par un proche, b. faire relire par un coach en business plan, c. la co construction avec un expert en business plan, rédiger un business plan, participer à un concours. , rédiger un business plan en utilisant chat gpt, un processus en 11 étapes.

  • se préparer à le rédiger en demandant à chat gpt les grandes parties et les KPIs spécifique à votre secteur à mettre en exergue
  • rencontrer des personnes pour s’enrichir,
  • faire des recherches,
  • attendre des retours des personnes,
  • écrire le business plan,
  • L’affiner avec chat GPT
  • Corriger l’orthographe avec chat gpt
  • le faire corriger,
  • faire des changements,
  • puis le présenter.

Ayez bien en tête ces étapes, cela vous permettra de voir où vous en êtes dans le processus de rédaction du business plan et d’utiliser avec intelligence.. l’intelligence artificielle !

Rédiger un business plan 100% avec Chat GPT ?

Comme vous l’aurez compris, faire son business plan à 100% avec chat GPT est un mythe. Chatgpt est ou un outil utile qui permet de gagner du temps sur certains points, mais pas sur tout ! L’essence même de votre business plan doit être rédigée par un humain, vous, qui connaissez le projet le visualisez dans le futur. Vos arguments chiffrés ne doivent pas être masqués par les beaux discours de Chatgpt, au contraire, faites le sans cette aide et mettez vos données en avant. Servez-vous de Chatgpt pour structure votre propos et pour la forme de votre business plan en général, mais ne comptez pas sur lui pour une rédaction complète et convaincante !

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Merci à Gaëtan pour son savoir-faire et professionnalisme. Il a immédiatement compris notre besoin et a réalisé rapidement un travail de haute qualité. Merci

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Fondatrice de DACP, production de films

Gaëtan m’a aidé à passer d’une vision à des documents de projections compréhensible par mes interlocuteurs financiers. Pas toujours simple de modéliser une activité de production audiovisuelle et cinématographique mais il a su faire preuve d’agilité. Ainsi Gaëtan a été à mes côtés pour présenter et valoriser mon projet de développement à des partenaires potentiels.

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Youen Comert

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Je me permets de partager mon avis sur My Business Plan et vous dire toute ma satisfaction d’avoir travaillé avec eux et à l’élaboration de mon Executive Summary. Je tiens particulièrement à souligner la réactivité des échanges par mail. Vous pouvez leur faire confiance.

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Au-delà de la qualité des documents, j’ai beaucoup aimé mes échanges avec le fondateur qui est une personne très humaine

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Fondatrice de Cooniz

Le service proposé nous a aidé à structurer nos idées et les présenter de manières ludiques et accessibles. Ses différentes expériences nous ont aidé à optimiser notre approche et maximiser nos chances de succès. Professionnalisme, écoute et réactivité ont été le ciment de notre fructueuse collaboration

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Travaillant sur mon projet novateur dans le secteur de l’immobilier de luxe, depuis plus de 2 ans, je n’avais jamais élaboré de business plan digne de ce nom pour convaincre les investisseurs institutionnels de me suivre sur ce projet. Afin de clôturer ma levée de fonds, il me manquait un business plan simple, percutant, convaincant et en anglais s’il vous plaît. Je suis tombé par hasard sur le net sur le cabinet My Business Plan et je ne le regrette pas ! Il m’a tout refait en 4 jours chrono pour un livrable hyper professionnel et top ! Je referais appel au cabinet si besoin.

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How to Get ChatGPT to Write a Business Plan (Prompt Included)

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Embarking on the journey of turning a business idea into reality is a thrilling venture, but the complexity of crafting a comprehensive business plan can be daunting. Worry no more, as today’s advanced AI tools, including ChatGPT, offer unprecedented assistance in the business planning process.

In this guide, we delve into the transformative powers of AI, enabling you to meticulously outline your business structure , finetune your market positioning, captivate your target audience , and devise robust sales strategies with ease.

With a few keystrokes, you gain access to a cutting-edge business planning tool that streamlines creating a basic business plan outline.

Discover how to leverage AI not just to write a business plan but to reimagine the entire planning landscape, from conceptualizing your organizational structure to forecasting financial success.

Let’s embark on this journey together, transforming your visionary business idea into a tangible and actionable blueprint for success.

Try this ChatGPT Resume Prompt to Create CV In 1 click

How to Utilize ChatGPT Prompts for Crafting Your Business Plan

Creating a solid business plan is crucial to your venture’s success, serving as a roadmap for your business’s future. With AI’s rise, particularly ChatGPT, you can simplify this vast undertaking.

Here’s how to harness ChatGPT’s capabilities to construct each key component of your business plan.

Overview of the Business

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

To start, ask ChatGPT to provide a comprehensive description of your business overview. Begin by introducing your business name, model, and unique selling proposition.

You can try our Free AI Chat Bot to utilize GPT-4 for free.

Elaborate on the value it offers to the target market, ensuring that specific details are included to encapsulate the essence of your business idea. By adding more depth and detail, you can paint a clearer picture of your business and its potential impact.

Analysis of the Market

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Next, it is highly recommended that ChatGPT undertake a comprehensive market analysis to ensure a robust understanding of the current market landscape . By incorporating in-depth analysis of market trends, identifying key competitors, and gaining valuable insights into the target audience, you will be equipped with an up-to-date market research section that can greatly enhance your decision-making process.

It is important to remember that this research will complement the precision of AI-generated data, resulting in a comprehensive and well-rounded analysis for your business.

Description of Products and Services

Direct ChatGPT is designed to provide you with a comprehensive outline of your offerings, ensuring that you have all the information you need.

Strategies for Marketing and Sales

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Instruct ChatGPT to leverage its capabilities in formulating highly effective marketing and sales strategies. By utilizing advanced algorithms and data analytics, ChatGPT can assist in identifying the ideal customer acquisition channels, conducting market research, and crafting a compelling unique value proposition.

With its vast knowledge and insights, AI can generate a comprehensive marketing plan that includes potential pricing strategies, sales techniques, and revenue generation strategies. This enables businesses to optimize their marketing efforts and drive sustainable growth in a competitive market landscape.

Plan for Operations

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

ChatGPT, our advanced AI assistant, can provide valuable assistance in delineating a comprehensive operational plan for your business. It can help you outline various aspects such as inventory management, supply chain optimization, quality control measures, and efficient human resource management.

By leveraging ChatGPT, you can present a clear and detailed vision of how your day-to-day operations will run, ensuring a streamlined and successful business journey.

Team for Management

Leverage the power of ChatGPT to generate a comprehensive section about your esteemed management team. Highlight their professional backgrounds, expertise, and specific roles within the organization, showcasing their collective capabilities and reinforcing investor confidence in their ability to successfully execute the business plan.

By providing additional details on their accomplishments, industry experience, and notable achievements, you can present a compelling narrative that resonates with potential investors and underscores the team’s expertise in driving the company toward success.

Financial Plan

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Preparing financial projections, such as cash flow statements, profit margins, and break-even analysis, can be a complex task. However, with the assistance of ChatGPT, you can navigate through the essential concepts and calculations to include in this section.

By providing a solid foundation for a comprehensive financial strategy, you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions to drive the success of your business. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a novice in the financial realm, ChatGPT is here to help you understand and master the intricacies of financial projections, empowering you to plan for a prosperous future.

Executive Summary

Finally, harness the power of ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, to effortlessly craft a compelling executive summary. This crucial piece serves as a concise yet comprehensive overview of your entire business plan, capturing the essence of your venture and presenting it as a persuasive snapshot.

By distilling the key points, highlighting the unique value proposition, and showcasing the potential for success, the executive summary becomes a valuable tool for engaging stakeholders and attracting potential investors. Embrace the transformative capabilities of ChatGPT to create an impactful summary that leaves a lasting impression.

Following these detailed, AI-powered steps, you’re well-equipped to forge a business plan that is not only thorough but aligned with current industry standards. Remember, while ChatGPT provides a great starting point for your business planning, augmenting AI suggestions with your insights and in-depth research is key to a tailored and persuasive business strategy.

Tips to Create a Business Plan Using ChatGPT

Brainstorm business concepts.

Leverage ChatGPT to generate ideas for different facets of your business, ranging from crafting an enticing company description to formulating innovative marketing strategies. This ensures the development of a creative and distinctive business model that stands out from the competition.

Market Analysis Precision

Elevate your market analysis section with ChatGPT, leveraging the latest market research data to gain a comprehensive understanding of your industry and target audience. Unlock valuable insights that enrich your decision-making process and propel your business forward.

Strategic Pricing Plans

Instruct ChatGPT to explore various pricing strategies, providing you with a diverse range of approaches tailored to different segments of your market. This will enable you to optimize your word choice, sentence structure, readability, and overall eloquence while staying true to the original meaning.

Refinement through Research

Ensure to enhance the outputs from ChatGPT by incorporating your research. This will add depth and precision to every aspect of your business plan, ranging from financial projections to operational details.

Competitive Analysis with AI

Leverage the analytical prowess of ChatGPT to perform a competitive analysis, providing you with vital information that shapes your legal structure and reinforces your business plan’s structure and substance.

Concise Executive Summary

Employ ChatGPT to distill your comprehensive business plan into an executive summary that boldly emphasizes your products, strategies, and projected successes, compelling for prospective investors and stakeholders.

In conclusion, ChatGPT presents an innovative and strategic approach to crafting a comprehensive business plan tailored to the contemporary market. By leveraging its advanced capabilities for brainstorming business concepts, conducting a precise market analysis, and formulating strategic pricing plans, entrepreneurs can create a business model that effectively stands out from the competition.

Entrepreneurs who adopt this integrated approach are positioned to present stakeholders with a clear and concise executive summary that convincingly communicates the business’s unique value proposition and promising outlook. ChatGPT empowers you to envision, articulate, and realize the fullest potential of your business venture.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can ai, such as chatgpt, enhance my business plan’s marketing strategy.

AI tools like ChatGPT can provide data-driven insights and emerging trends to bolster a marketing strategy within business plans. By analyzing patterns in consumer behavior, ChatGPT can suggest innovative approaches to capture your target market, contributing to a well-informed and effective marketing plan.

What are the benefits of integrating a sales strategy into my business plan using ChatGPT?

Incorporating a sales strategy into your business plans using ChatGPT ensures synergy between your marketing approach and sales execution. This integration allows for the creation of a cohesive sales plan that aligns with business operations, potentially generating revenue more effectively and scaling your venture to new heights.

How can I use ChatGPT to develop a competitive pricing strategy?

By instructing ChatGPT to consider current market analysis, financial projections, and your unique competitive advantages, you can generate an array of pricing strategies. ChatGPT can simulate different scenarios to pinpoint the optimal pricing structure for your products, balancing profitability with market demand to maximize revenue.

Can ChatGPT assist with the human resources aspect of writing a business plan?

Yes, ChatGPT can serve as a good starting point for outlining the human resources section of your business plan by providing templates and examples of organizational structures. However, complementing this with your research is crucial to tailor the plan to your specific business needs and ensure it reflects the intricacies of your operations.

In what way does the executive summary written by ChatGPT contribute to my business?

An executive summary crafted by ChatGPT presents a concise overview that highlights the core components of your business plan, including your marketing and sales plan, projected revenue, and strategic positioning. Capturing the essence of your venture sets the tone for the entire document and can be pivotal in engaging investors’ interest right from the outset.

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

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Using ChatGPT for Business Planning: A Simple Guide

Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to enhance your business planning process? Look no further than ChatGPT. This powerful AI tool can be a game-changer for your strategic decision-making. In this guide, we’ll explore how ChatGPT can streamline your business planning efforts and provide valuable insights to help you stay ahead in the competitive market.

Whether you’re a small startup or an established corporation, incorporating ChatGPT into your business strategy could be the smart move you’ve been searching for.

What’s ChatGPT? An Easy Explanation

ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool that can revolutionize how businesses approach their planning process. This cutting-edge language model has the capability to assist in various aspects of business planning, including the creation of executive summaries, business overviews, sales and marketing plans, operations and management details, and financial plans.

For instance, ChatGPT can aid in composing clear and concise executive summaries that lay the groundwork for a business plan. It can also generate detailed business overviews, including information about goals, target audiences, products and services, and revenue generation strategies. Moreover, ChatGPT can provide actionable strategies for sales and marketing plans based on the information provided about the business.

Regarding operational and financial aspects, ChatGPT can help outline the organizational structure and operational processes and create detailed financial plans, including sales forecasts and funding requirements. By leveraging ChatGPT, businesses can expedite the process of developing comprehensive business plans while ensuring high-quality content.

Making your Business Plan with ChatGPT

Getting started: simple planning outline.

To begin using ChatGPT for business planning , start by creating a simple planning outline. This outline should include key sections such as the executive summary, business overview, sales and marketing, operations and management, and financial plan. Using ChatGPT to populate these sections can save time and provide valuable insights.

For example, when creating the executive summary, ChatGPT can help you clearly and concisely describe your business and its goals. In the business overview section, ChatGPT can assist in detailing your target audience, products, and services and explaining how your business generates revenue.

Regarding the sales and marketing plan, ChatGPT can provide actionable strategies based on the information you provide about your business. The operations and management section can help explain how your business will operate in practice, including details on the people, processes, and organizational structure. Additionally, ChatGPT can help you create a detailed financial plan, including sales forecasts, expenses, and funding requirements for your business.

Describe What Your Business Does

I was wondering how to create a comprehensive business plan without getting stuck? ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI, can simplify the process. With its capabilities to generate text inputs, understand context, and provide appropriate responses, ChatGPT helps businesses write each section of their business plans.

Here’s how you can use ChatGPT to plan and assist in writing your business plan:

1. Executive Summary :

ChatGPT helps you clearly and concisely describe your business and its goals.

2. Business Overview :

Use ChatGPT to explore the details of your business—your goals, target audience , products, and services.

3. Sales and Marketing :

Create an outline for your sales and marketing plan with actionable strategies provided by ChatGPT.

4. Operations and Management :

Explain your business operations, people, processes, and organizational structure with ChatGPT’s assistance.

5. Financial Plan :

ChatGPT aids in creating detailed financial plans, including sales forecasts and funding requirements.

By following these simple prompts, you can harness the power of ChatGPT to quickly draft a comprehensive business plan, saving time and effort. Incorporating ChatGPT in your content generation process can give your organization a competitive edge in creating high-quality, relevant business plans.

Learn About Your Market

Understanding your market is essential when delving into business planning. Using ChatGPT for business planning can be a game-changer, especially when comprehensively understanding and analyzing your target market.

Consider using ChatGPT to gather data about your potential customers, industry trends, and customer preferences. For example, ChatGPT can help you generate a market analysis section for your business plan by providing insights into demographic information, market size, and purchasing behavior.

Additionally, you can utilize ChatGPT to understand your competition. By asking for a competitive analysis or industry benchmarking, you can gain valuable information about other businesses operating in your market and identify potential gaps or opportunities for your own business.

Furthermore, ChatGPT can assist in creating a marketing and sales plan. Based on the information you provide, it can generate strategies and tactics, helping you outline actionable steps to promote and sell your products or services effectively.

Ultimately, ChatGPT can facilitate a deeper understanding of your market, enabling you to make informed decisions and develop a competitive business strategy .

When leveraging ChatGPT for market insights, ensure the information generated is validated with real-world data and research to ensure its accuracy and relevancy.

Who Are Your Competitors? Find Out

When using ChatGPT for business planning, understanding your competitors is crucial. Identifying and analyzing your competition can help you strategically position your business and identify potential market gaps. For instance, imagine you’re planning to open a coffee shop.

Knowing that there are three other coffee shops within a two-mile radius and understanding what makes each unique can help you develop a strategy to differentiate your business, whether through exceptional customer service or a unique product offering.

Similarly, in the world of e-commerce, knowledge of your competitors’ pricing, product range, and digital marketing strategies can be key to influencing your own business decisions. By understanding your competition, you can identify potential market opportunities or threats, ultimately contributing to your business’s success. Understanding your industry’s competition is essential in creating a successful business plan and long-term strategic growth.

How Will You Tell People About Your Business?

When it comes to sharing your business with the world, ChatGPT can be a helpful tool in crafting a solid marketing message. Social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are great for reaching a broad audience, while targeted email campaigns can help you connect with potential clients more personally. Another effective method is to host webinars, where you can demonstrate your product’s or service’s value in a live format, allowing for direct interaction with potential customers.

Additionally, attending trade shows or industry events can help you connect with potential clients face-to-face and establish valuable business relationships. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth – encouraging satisfied customers to share their experiences with others can be a powerful marketing tool. Combining these methods can effectively spread the word about your business and attract new clients.

Keeping Your Business Running Smoothly

Now that you have used ChatGPT to create a comprehensive business plan, it’s important to consider how you can keep your business running smoothly. This AI tool can be a valuable resource beyond the initial planning stages.

One way to utilize ChatGPT for ongoing business success is to update your business plan regularly. As your business evolves, it’s essential to adapt your strategy to reflect these changes. ChatGPT can help you modify and update your plan as needed, ensuring it continues aligning with your business goals and objectives over time.

In addition, ChatGPT can also be used to generate regular marketing and sales strategies. As market trends shift and consumer behavior changes, having a tool that can quickly develop new ideas and strategies for reaching your target audience can be invaluable.

Furthermore, ChatGPT can assist with operational and management tasks. Whether generating organizational charts, outlining new processes, or drafting internal communication materials, ChatGPT can help keep your business operations running smoothly and efficiently.

By integrating ChatGPT into your ongoing business processes, you can ensure that your business plan remains relevant, your marketing and sales strategies stay fresh, and your operations run efficiently, ultimately contributing to the long-term success of your business.

Who’s on Your Team? Let’s Meet Them

In the business world, having the right team can make all the difference. When using ChatGPT for business planning, it’s essential to understand the different components of your team. Let’s meet them.

First, you have the executive summary. This is a crucial part of your business plan, clearly and concisely describing your business and its goals. ChatGPT can help you craft a well-thought-out executive summary that sets the stage for the rest of your plan.

Next is the business overview. This section dives deep into your business, outlining your goals, target audience, products, and services. ChatGPT can assist in creating this detailed overview, ensuring that all aspects of your business are covered.

Then, we have sales and marketing. Utilizing ChatGPT to outline your sales and marketing plan based on your business details can provide actionable strategies to promote your business effectively.

Following that, you’ll need to address operations and management. ChatGPT can help explain how your business will operate in practice, including details on people, processes, and organizational structure.

Last but not least, you’ll need a financial plan. ChatGPT can create a detailed financial plan for your business, including sales forecasts, expenses, and funding requirements.

By understanding and utilizing each of these components, you can make the most out of using ChatGPT for business planning, ensuring that you have a solid team to help you create a comprehensive business plan.

Can Your Business Make Money? Your Financial Plan

When considering your business idea, one key aspect to consider is its financial feasibility. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of how your business will make money, which is where a well-thought-out financial plan comes into play.

AI tools like ChatGPT can assist you in this process by helping you outline a financial plan. For example, you can use ChatGPT to create a sales forecast, identify potential expenses, and determine your business’s funding requirements.

ChatGPT can generate actionable strategies for your sales and marketing plan by inputting your business details. It can also provide suggestions for optimizing your financial forecast and improving your overall business plan.

The financial plan is an essential component of any business plan, and utilizing AI technology can streamline the process of creating one. So, while technology can help in this aspect, it’s important to ensure that the generated content is carefully reviewed and validated for accuracy.

ChatGPT’s Limits in Business Planning

When using ChatGPT for business planning, there are some limitations to keep in mind. While ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can assist in creating and improving a business plan, it does have its constraints.

One limitation is the need for human input and careful adjustments. While ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and suggestions, it still requires input and guidance from individuals familiar with the business and its industry. Additionally, careful fact verification is necessary, as inaccurate data could be generated.

Another constraint to consider is the difficulty of handling highly specialized or niche subjects. While ChatGPT can be a helpful executive assistant in many aspects of business planning, it may struggle to provide accurate information on specific or specialized topics.

Furthermore, it’s important to remember that while ChatGPT can streamline and expedite the business plan creation process, the user is ultimately responsible for customization and accuracy. Using ChatGPT as a supplement to human expertise is crucial and not a replacement for careful, thorough business planning.

Do You Really Need ChatGPT for Your Plan?

Know your business numbers well.

In the world of business planning, understanding the numbers is crucial. To create an effective business plan, you must know your financial situation, potential market size, and projected revenues.

For instance, let’s say you’re starting a small coffee shop. You need to know the costs of renting a space, buying equipment, and sourcing coffee beans. Additionally, you should estimate how many customers you expect to serve each day and what they will be willing to pay. This knowledge lets you calculate your potential revenue and determine whether the business is financially viable.

Similarly, if you’re launching an online store, you must understand your conversion rate, customer acquisition cost, and average order value. These numbers can help you set realistic sales targets and allocate your marketing budget effectively.

How a Plan Can Make Your Business Better

Business Improvement Through Effective Planning

Businesses can significantly enhance their planning processes by integrating generative AI, such as ChatGPT. ChatGPT can help companies refine business strategies, improve operations, and generate high-quality business plans.

For instance, when creating an executive summary, ChatGPT can assist in crafting a clear and concise description of the business and its objectives. ChatGPT can help outline the market analysis, target audience, and products or services in the business overview section. In the sales and marketing segment, AI can provide actionable strategies to promote the business effectively.

Furthermore, in the operations and management part, ChatGPT can help explain the business’s operational aspects and organizational structure. Lastly, when developing the financial plan, ChatGPT can help create detailed forecasts, expenses, and funding requirements for the business.

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Home > Business Software and Tools > Harness The Power Of ChatGPT To Write A Winning Business Plan

Harness The Power Of ChatGPT To Write A Winning Business Plan

Jan 9, 2024 | Business Software and Tools

ChatGPT On Laptop

Crafting a ChatGPT business plan harnesses the advanced capabilities of AI to streamline the complex process of business planning. Whether you’re a startup entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, ChatGPT’s conversational AI model offers a wealth of features that can revolutionise how you approach the creation and refinement of your business strategy. With its capacity for deep learning and understanding of context, ChatGPT provides intuitive assistance in developing key components of your business plan outline, from market analysis to financial projections.

As you delve into the specifics of integrating this cutting-edge technology into your business operations, discover how ChatGPT can optimise existing workflows, inspire innovation, and drive forward-thinking decisions— setting the stage for success in today’s ever-evolving market landscape.

Table of Contents

Key Features and Capabilities of ChatGPT

ChatGPT , created by OpenAI, is a highly sophisticated linguistic model that has revolutionised the field of conversational AI. Building upon its predecessor, GPT-3.5, the language model itself is now more advanced with the introduction of GPT-4. This state-of-the-art AI has been meticulously trained on a diverse compilation of internet text to understand and generate human-like text across a myriad of topics.

Interacting with ChatGPT is akin to texting an incredibly knowledgeable friend. It can understand complex instructions, recognise nuances in language, and deliver detailed responses that align with the user’s needs. It synthesises information to present users with coherent and contextually relevant answers. Furthermore, a distinctive advantage of ChatGPT is its human feedback loop, constantly learning from user input to sharpen its accuracy and broaden its knowledge base.

With a reinforced framework to mitigate ethical concerns, OpenAI has introduced more robust protocols to address issues such as misinformation and bias, ensuring that ChatGPT adheres to higher standards of reliability and integrity. These enhancements include improved content filters, more rigorous training, data selection, competitive analysis, and closer human oversight to ensure ethical compliance.

Mobile Phone With ChatGPT

Using ChatGPT To Write A Business Plan

Defining your business model with chatgpt.

Crafting a solid business plan requires a clear understanding of your business model. ChatGPT can assist in formulating the various elements of your model. By inputting detailed prompts, you can leverage AI to outline your value proposition, revenue streams, and cost structure. However, it’s essential to have human experts refine and validate the final model to ensure its feasibility and accuracy.

Market Analysis and Targeting with ChatGPT Insights

ChatGPT can play a role in conducting market analysis by providing preliminary insights. It can assist in identifying industry trends and patterns, which can inform your understanding of market size, competition, and customer demographics.

Creating a Value Proposition Using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can support the development of a compelling value proposition by generating various ways your offerings can address customer needs or improve their experience. Inputting your product’s or service’s key features and benefits allows the AI to explore different perspectives and phrasings . Although ChatGPT can be instrumental in formulating a value proposition that resonates with your target audience, reviewing and refining its output is important to avoid potential inaccuracies.

Developing Your Product or Service

Identifying customer needs with chatgpt.

Understanding customer requirements is crucial in the development of any product or service. ChatGPT can analyse extensive data to reveal insights into market trends and consumer desires. Engaging with ChatGPT allows businesses to grasp your target demographic’s behavioural patterns and preferences, which is essential for crafting offerings that resonate with potential customers and foster satisfaction and loyalty.

Innovating Solutions with the Help of ChatGPT

Once customer desires are understood, the next step is to devise innovative solutions. ChatGPT can assist in this creative process by employing generative design, which involves the AI generating multiple concept designs within your constraints and objectives. This accelerates the ideation process and introduces diverse perspectives that might not have been considered initially.

The computational abilities of AI facilitate rapid iterations, enabling designers to refine their concepts with greater efficiency. The resulting product is innovative and practical when combined with human ingenuity.

Designing a Roadmap for Development and Launch

A meticulously planned roadmap is essential for transitioning a business idea from concept to market introduction. ChatGPT can aid in creating this roadmap by simulating real-world scenarios to evaluate product designs, which can prevent the time and expense associated with physical prototyping.

AI can optimise product models for various attributes, ensuring that the product is aligned with design specifications and optimised for production.

In project management, AI can enhance business analyses and monitor project milestones, ensuring that development stays on track and within financial constraints. Additionally, AI simplifies the collection and interpretation of software project requirements, reducing manual effort and clarifying user stories and business overviews.

Person Using ChatGPT On Mobile Phone

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Crafting your marketing plan using chatgpt.

Your marketing and sales strategy is a critical component that details the approach to draw and keep customers. ChatGPT’s natural language processing and machine learning proficiency can analyse customer data and other market research data to identify key segments and preferences, facilitating targeted marketing campaigns. It can also generate personalised marketing messages that resonate with your audience, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

For content creation, ChatGPT can produce drafts for email campaigns, social media posts, and blog articles. Reviewing and adjusting the AI-generated content to align with your brand management team’s tone and messaging is crucial.

Enhancing Sales Efforts with ChatGPT Automation

ChatGPT can streamline sales processes by handling routine tasks such as lead qualification and follow-up communications. This allows your sales team to focus on building relationships and closing sales. The AI’s data analysis capabilities can provide deeper insights about leads, enabling a more personalised approach to sales. Predictive analytics can forecast sales trends, and sentiment analysis can gauge customer emotions, providing valuable information to hone sales strategies.

AI-integrated sales automation tools can also generate text for sales materials, ensuring consistency and saving time. As AI technology progresses, its influence in sales automation is expected to grow, offering even more sophisticated support for sales teams.

Personalising Customer Experiences with ChatGPT

Personalisation is key to engaging customers and fostering loyalty. ChatGPT can deliver customised experiences by analysing real-time data like purchase history and browsing patterns. Its ability to conduct conversations with customers offers immediate and tailored support, strengthening the customer-brand relationship .

AI’s role in sentiment analysis can influence how a brand interacts with its customers, ensuring their needs are met. AI can facilitate more empathetic and effective communication by understanding customers’ emotional states through voice and image recognition and behavioural analysis.

Incorporating ChatGPT into your marketing and sales strategies can lead to efficiency and scalability benefits. While AI enhances personalisation and efficiency, it complements rather than replaces the essential human touch in sales. AI should be used as a tool to enhance the skills of your sales team.

Financial Planning and Analysis

Budgeting and forecasting with chatgpt.

AI technologies have transformed financial planning, particularly in budgeting and forecasting . AI-driven tools monitor expenses in real time, providing a dynamic approach to financial management for individuals and businesses alike. These tools offer tailored budgeting advice and savings strategies, akin to having a financial advisor available at all times.

AI’s advanced analytics and language processing capabilities allow for a thorough examination of transactional data and customer behaviour, empowering users to make informed financial decisions.

Assessing Risks and Contingencies

AI has significantly enhanced risk assessment capabilities. Tools that analyse user and event behaviour can detect and address anomalies indicative of security threats, enabling rapid response to mitigate potential issues.

For example, Microsoft’s security solutions utilise models such as GPT-4 to enable analysts to navigate through data and evaluate risk exposure quickly. AI’s ability to process unstructured data and recognise patterns from historical incidents has made it an invaluable asset in predicting risks.

AI’s integration into risk management promotes a proactive stance, with auditors now able to review entire datasets rather than relying on traditional sampling techniques. This comprehensive analysis improves the identification of risk-related data. AI also accelerates the development of risk mitigation strategies. With IoT devices, evidence can be automatically verified, and controls can be actively monitored, enhancing risk management practices. Continuous evaluation and adjustment of AI systems are crucial to maintain their effectiveness and precision.

Setting Realistic Financial Goals with ChatGPT Support

AI is instrumental in assisting individuals and organisations to establish achievable financial objectives . By processing large volumes of data, AI-driven systems can offer insights more rapidly than traditional methods, which is particularly beneficial in sectors like quantitative trading.

AI’s analysis of spending patterns and credit behaviour informs goal-setting, leading to a clearer understanding of financial strengths and vulnerabilities. As the financial landscape evolves with younger generations becoming predominant consumers, the urgency for AI adoption in the banking sector increases.

Financial institutions are compelled to embrace these technologies to remain competitive. AI is at the forefront of this digital transformation, promising to enhance efficiency and reduce inaccuracies in financial services.

ChatGPT On Laptop  Screen

Limitations of ChatGPT for Business Plans

While ChatGPT offers significant advantages in assisting with business plan development, it’s crucial to understand its limitations to utilise this tool effectively. Acknowledging these constraints ensures a balanced approach to integrating AI into your business strategy.

Knowledge Boundaries

  • Static Knowledge Base: As of April 2023, ChatGPT’s training includes a vast array of texts. However, it doesn’t have access to information or events that occurred after this date. This limitation is particularly relevant for rapidly evolving industries where the most current data is critical.
  • Lack of Industry-Specific Expertise: ChatGPT is a generalist tool. While it can provide insights across a broad range of topics, it may have a limited depth of knowledge that a specialist in a particular field would offer. This can be a significant limitation when dealing with a business plan’s highly specialised or technical aspects.

Reliance on Input Quality

  • Garbage In, Garbage Out: The quality of ChatGPT’s outputs heavily depends on the input it receives. Vague or poorly structured queries may lead to irrelevant or suboptimal responses. Clear, concise, and well-thought-out prompts are crucial for obtaining useful information.

Ethical and Practical Considerations

  • Bias and Misinformation: Despite efforts to reduce bias and misinformation, ChatGPT, like any AI model, is susceptible to these issues due to its training on human-generated content. Users should critically evaluate AI-generated advice and consider it alongside other sources.
  • Data Privacy Concerns: When using AI tools like ChatGPT for business planning, especially involving sensitive data, it’s important to be aware of data privacy and security considerations. ChatGPT does not retain personal data shared during interactions, but users should still exercise caution with sensitive information.

Human Oversight Is Key

  • AI as a Supportive Tool: ChatGPT should be viewed as a complement to human intelligence, not a replacement. It provides a starting point, generates ideas, and assists with drafts. However, the final decision-making and strategic planning should always be conducted by humans who can apply contextual understanding, ethical judgment, and real-world experience.
  • Professional Expertise Requirement: For areas like market analysis, financial planning, legal compliance, and technical specifics, the input of professionals in the respective fields is indispensable. ChatGPT can aid in the initial stages but cannot replace seasoned professionals’ nuanced understanding and expertise.

Ready, Set, Plan!

As you embark on the journey of drafting your business plan, remember that ChatGPT is a tool designed to enhance your creativity and efficiency, not replace the irreplaceable – your unique entrepreneurial vision. Utilise this AI wizard to streamline processes, glean insights, and articulate ideas that put your business on the map.

Connect the dots between your goals and ChatGPT’s capabilities, and you’ll create a business plan that’s not only robust but resonates with the heart of your future enterprise. Embrace the power of AI, and let ChatGPT be the springboard that propels your business ideas from conception to reality. Go ahead, ask away, and build the blueprint of success for your business adventure!

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How ChatGPT Can Write your Business Plan?

Business Plan Template

A Free Business Plan Template

Ajay Jagtap

  • January 31, 2024
  • 14 Min Read

How to Write a Business Plan Using ChatGPT

There was a time when writing a business plan was frustrating and overwhelming. Thanks to ChatGPT, you can draft a comprehensive business plan in no time.

But there is a catch. You must properly instruct the chatbot to provide accurate, relevant, and factual information.

Want to learn how? Buckle up and get ready to draft a solid business plan in no time flat!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT needs no introduction; it is a large language model trained by OpenAI, using deep learning algorithms to generate human-like responses to text-based prompts.

It’s a powerful tool for research and content creation. In fact, it crossed a whopping 100 million users just two months after its launch.

Let’s discuss how you can use this Chatbot to write a business plan:

How to use ChatGPT Prompts to Write Your Business Plan

We’ve curated a list of ChatGPT prompts and examples to make it easier for you to instruct the chatbot. Here is the step-by-step process to write a business plan using ChatGPT.

Let’s start by generating a basic business plan outline:

Create a basic business plan outline

You don’t need an extraordinary prompt to create a business plan outline. Simply prompt ChatGPT to provide a business plan outline, like we did here.

chatgpt business plan outline

As you can see, the response we got was well-structured and included everything that a business plan must include. Still, we tweaked it a little, considering the industry-wide business planning format we follow at Upmetrics .

Here’s the final outline we’ll use to instruct ChatGPT and write a business plan:

  • Executive Summary
  • Business Overview
  • Market Analysis
  • Products and Services
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies
  • Operations Plan
  • Management Team
  • Financial Plan

Though the outline starts with an Executive summary, we’ll keep it last as It summarizes the entire plan and is written after the plan is ready. Let’s start with the business overview.

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comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

1. Business Overview

The name defines the section itself—business overview, which provides the overview of the entire business.

We have provided the prompt to write a business overview section.

In this prompt, you will need to provide ChatGPT with some critical information about your business, including a detailed business description, location, legal structure, owners, vision, mission, and history.

Here’s a ChatGPT prompt to help you write the business overview section of your business plan:

Check out this example of a business overview section of a dental business plan written using this ChatGPT prompt.

Business overview prompt

2. Market Analysis

Market analysis is the study of your external business environment that gives your readers a better understanding of your industry and its dynamics.

Unlike other sections of your business plan, market analysis requires deep research and analytical work.

But as we are using ChatGPT, it won’t bother us much.

ChatGPT will require information about your target market , market size, growth potential, competitors, market trends, and regulatory environment to provide a relevant and accurate response.

You can collect this information through industry publications, news articles, and market research reports—using ChatGPT to organize and analyze data will make things easier.

Here’s a ChatGPT prompt to help you write a Market Analysis section of your business plan:

You may not get the perfect response for your market analysis section on the first try. So, repeat the process, proofread, edit, and modify it until you perfect it.

Here is an example of a market analysis section of a carpet cleaning business plan written using this ChatGPT prompt.

market analysis prompt

3. Products and Services

Your entire business plan revolves around this one particular section. After all, your business success solely depends on the value you provide to the end consumer.

You should ask yourself these questions before prompting ChatGPT to write. This exercise will help you clearly understand your products and help generate an informed description using ChatGPT.

  • Who can use your product?
  • What are the fundamental aspects of your product or services?
  • When can one use your product?
  • Why should someone consider using it?
  • How can it help them?
  • Where can someone use it?

Understanding and describing your products and services will be much easier once you answer these questions.

Let’s have a look at the ChatGPT prompt for writing the product and services section of your business plan:

Check out this example of a “product and services” section of a notary business plan written using this ChatGPT prompt.

product and services prompt

4. Marketing and Sales Strategies

It’s crucial to outline your marketing and sales strategies. After all, these strategies determine how your business will get exposure and reach your target audience.

Generally, this section of your business plan includes your marketing, sales, pricing, and customer retention strategies. It also includes business USPs and other relevant information.

Here’s a ChatGPT prompt to help you write a marketing and sales strategies section of your business plan:

Check out this example of a marketing and sales strategies section of a clothing business plan written using this ChatGPT prompt.

marketing and sales strategies prompt

5. Operations Plan

The operations plan section of your business plan describes how your business will achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the previous sections. You can say that this section is outlined to turn your plans into action.

A well-developed operations plan should outline daily business activities, individuals responsible, tools and equipment required, inventory, cost, and if there are any other special requirements.

Here’s a ChatGPT prompt to help you write the operations plan section of your business plan:

Check out this example of an “operations plan” section of an Airbnb business plan written using this ChatGPT prompt.

Operations plan prompts

You may include specific details such as location, facilities, equipment, and technology in the prompt or modify the response later depending on your specifications.

6. Management Team

Your business is as good as your team and management. That’s what makes this section a crucial component of a business plan.

A strong management team section not only brings authority to your business plan but also helps investors and lenders be confident about your business idea and vision.

Generally, this section should include founders, key executives, senior management, their educational and professional background, compensation plan, business hierarchy, and business advisors/consultants.

Here is a ChatGPT prompt to help you write a “Management Team” section of your business plan:

This prompt will provide a comprehensive template for your management team section. Just update the necessary details in the content, and your management team section will be ready.

Here’s what it looks like:

management plan prompt

Depending on your requirements, you may update the prompt or ask the chatbot to modify a few sections of the response.

Let’s say you may ask ChatGPT to add the CMO to the management team.

This is just an example; you may need to change certain parts of content based on the response you get.

7. Financial Plan

It is arguably the most crucial section of a business plan when it comes to convincing investors and banks to invest or lend money.

So, it’s critical to justify your business with attractive figures. Unlike some other sections, drafting a financial plan takes a thorough understanding of operational costs, net profit, and financing to estimate revenue projections.

You may provide a ChatGPT prompt to write the section, but it’s up to you to provide accurate numbers.

Here is the ChatGPT prompt to help you write a financial plan section of your business plan:

Here’s an example of a financial plan section of an IT consulting business plan written using this ChatGPT prompt.

financial section prompt

Remember, this prompt will create a basic structure of a financial plan for you. Then you can update the sample data with real numbers.

startup cost table

8. Executive Summary

As mentioned earlier, an executive summary provides an overview of the entire business plan and is usually written after the entire plan is ready. It must be clear, concise, and compelling to provide the reader with a quick understanding of your business.

Make sure to use the same chat you used to create other business plan sections while generating an executive summary.

You don’t necessarily need a structured prompt to prepare an executive summary; simply ask ChatGPT to prepare one for your business based on your previous conversations, as we did here.

Executive summary chatgpt prompts

9. Appendix

The Appendix section of a business plan should provide additional information supporting your business plan’s main content.

In addition, it helps readers navigate through the entire business plan and easily find specific information or documents.

Generally, an appendix section in a business plan includes a table of contents, financial statements, market research data, legal documents, and other relevant information.

Here’s a ChatGPT prompt to help you write an appendix section of your business plan:

Furthermore, you may also prompt ChatGPT to provide this information in tabular form.

Check out this example of an appendix section of a medical practice business plan generated using this ChatGPT prompt:

Appendix section prompt

Again, verify if there’s anything you would like to add or remove and start putting in the right details.

Remember, ChatGPT is still in a learning phase; keep experimenting with different prompts until you get the anticipated response, and be as specific as possible.

That’s it. We’re done using ChatGPT here.

We have generated all the sections required in a business plan—all using ChatGPT.

Now it’s time for some manual work. Human editing.

Human Editing For AI-Generated Content

Now that you’ve finished writing the business plan, it’s time to do some human editing and put it on investors’ desks.

This may take 30 minutes, but you’ll ensure every piece of information you’ve put in is accurate and factual.

Here’s what your editing checklist should look like:

  • Fact checks everything: ChatGPT may sometimes generate incorrect information, so consider doing a fact check.
  • Make sure it’s up-to-date: Ensure all the information, documents, or financial statements you include are up-to-date.
  • Proofreading: Make sure there are no typos, grammatical errors, or readability issues in the entire business plan.
  • Editing & Rewriting: Edit and rewrite content where necessary. Make sure it doesn’t sound too robotic.

Once you check these elements off your editing checklist, your business plan is ready to seek investment.

In a nutshell, ChatGPT could be a valuable asset when it comes to helping you with business planning. However, even if it promptly generates high-quality content, it’s wise not to rely solely on AI outputs.

Incorporate, your personal insights and research where necessary and use ChatGPT to streamline the process.

That’s it for today; now over to you. Start creating your first draft using ChatGPT. Happy business planning!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can i use chatgpt to develop a competitive analysis and understand my industry landscape.

ChatGPT can be a handy tool to assist you in developing a competitive analysis and understanding your industry landscape. Follow this brief guide to get started with your competitive analysis.

  • Research: Gather information about your competitors and industry landscape, such as key competitors, market share, and market trends. You may collect this information through industry publications, news articles, and market research reports.
  • Feed this information to ChatGPT: Provide this information to ChatGPT; you may use phrases like “learn this”, “remember this”, etc. Remember, the output solely depends on this information, so be as specific as possible.
  • Summarize the information: Ask ChatGPT to summarize this information for you. For instance, you may ask it to provide an overview of the market trends or do a SWOT analysis of a competitor.
  • Use ChatGPT for competitive analysis: You may now ask ChatGPT to compare your business with your competitors and generate insights about emerging trends, opportunities, and threats for your business.

ChatGPT is always learning, so make sure you provide detailed information to generate an informed response. Do not forget to oversee and fact-check the response.

Can I trust the accuracy of the information provided by ChatGPT for my business plan?

ChatGPT is an extremely useful tool, but it’s an AI language model that may sometimes confidently provide the utter opposite response, so it’s always suggested to proofread and do a fact check on your business plan before sending it to your readers.

What are the limitations of using ChatGPT for writing a business plan?

ChatGPT can indeed speed up your business plan writing process, but here are a few of its limitations to consider:

  • Lack of personalization: AI-generated text lacks lack personalization and may sound robotic, as it doesn’t take your vision, mission, and values while generating the text. You may need to edit the content depending on your preferences.
  • Lack of domain expertise: ChatGPT lacks market or industry-specific expertise. So, you must feed ChatGPT market research documents and industry publications to get an informed response.
  • Limited reliability: As mentioned before, ChatGPT may sometimes confidently provide the utter opposite response, so you cannot solely rely on the responses provided by the AI language model.

How can I train ChatGPT to write a business plan?

Training ChatGPT to write a business plan requires thorough research and feeding detailed business descriptions.

Ensure you’re starting a new chat while preparing ChatGPT to write a business plan. And you will use the same chat until you finish writing your business plan.

You should provide the key details to train ChatGPT to write a business plan.

  • Introduce your business: Describe your business in detail, including your business name, when it was founded, who founded it and why, the industry you serve, the location of your business, the revenue that you generate, the number of employees, and any other relevant information about your business.
  • Industry materials & research reports: Feed ChatGPT with industry materials, news articles about market trends, market research reports, your competitors, and more.
  • SWOT Analysis: provide ChatGPT with the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of your business.
  • Preferred writing style: You may specify your writing style or tone of voice for your business plan, depending on your business type—E.g., Professional, friendly, etc.
  • Business plan structure: Provide an outline for your business plan or ask ChatGPT to create one and modify it depending on your needs. Don’t forget to prompt GPT to consider the modified version.

Preparing ChatGPT before writing a business plan will make the process easier, quick, and more accurate.

About the Author

comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

Ajay is the Head of Content at Upmetrics. Before joining our team, he was a personal finance blogger and SaaS writer, covering topics such as startups, budgeting, and credit cards. If not writing, he’s probably having a power nap. Read more

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comment faire un business plan avec chatgpt

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  • mars 10, 2024

8 Prompts Chat GPT pour votre Business Plan : Comment Révolutionner Votre Stratégie d’Entreprise

Prompts Chat GPT pour votre Business Plan

Bonjour ! Je suis Ben, fondateur de NovationIA et passionné par le potentiel de l’IA dans le monde des affaires. Aujourd’hui, on est ici pour parler de comment les prompts Chat GPT pour votre business plan peuvent révolutionner votre stratégie d’entreprise. Que vous soyez en phase de démarrage ou en quête de renouvellement stratégique, cet article va vous apporter des réponses claires et concrètes.

L’importance des prompts Chat GPT dans la planification stratégique

Dans un monde où l’agilité et l’innovation sont clés, intégrer l’IA dans votre processus de planification d’entreprise n’est plus une option mais une nécessité. Les prompts ChatGPT pour les business plans offrent une multitude d’avantages, allant de la génération d’idées innovantes à l’optimisation des stratégies de marché.

Pourquoi utiliser des Prompts Chat GPT ChatGPT pour votre business plan ?

  • Analyse de marché approfondie : ChatGPT peut vous aider à analyser des volumes importants de données de marché, vous offrant ainsi une compréhension plus nuancée de votre secteur.
  • Génération d’idées innovantes : En posant les bonnes questions, vous pouvez utiliser ChatGPT pour brainstormer des idées de produits ou de services novateurs.
  • Optimisation de la stratégie de contenu : ChatGPT peut assister dans la création de contenus marketing ciblés et pertinents pour votre audience.
  • Amélioration de la prise de décision : Avec des analyses et des prédictions basées sur des données, ChatGPT peut vous aider à prendre des décisions stratégiques éclairées.
  • Automatisation des tâches répétitives : Libérez du temps pour vous concentrer sur des aspects stratégiques en automatisant les tâches administratives avec ChatGPT.

Liste des 8 Prompts ChatGPT pour Révolutionner Votre Business Plan

Avant de plonger dans la liste, rappelons l’importance de choisir des prompts qui correspondent spécifiquement aux besoins et aux défis de votre entreprise. Chaque prompt doit être adapté pour exploiter pleinement le potentiel de ChatGPT dans votre planification stratégique.

Pour utiliser au mieux les prompts suivants dans la création de votre business plan avec ChatGPT, il est essentiel d’intégrer vos propres données et informations spécifiques. Chaque prompt est conçu pour guider ChatGPT dans la génération de réponses pertinentes et personnalisées. Assurez-vous de remplacer les éléments entre crochets [] par vos informations uniques pour améliorer la précision et l’utilité des résultats obtenus.

Définir les objectifs commerciaux

Ce prompt vous aide à clarifier et à structurer les objectifs de votre entreprise, un premier pas crucial dans l’élaboration de votre business plan.

Prompt : « Décris les objectifs principaux de mon entreprise en considérant [type d’entreprise], [secteur d’activité], [marché cible], et [vision à long terme]. Inclure des objectifs spécifiques, mesurables, atteignables, pertinents et temporellement définis (SMART) pour les trois prochaines années, en mettant l’accent sur la croissance, la rentabilité et l’expansion du marché. »

Collecter et analyser les données de marché

Utilisez ce prompt pour obtenir des orientations sur comment collecter et analyser les données cruciales du marché pour votre business plan.

Prompt : « Explique comment collecter et analyser des données de marché pour [type d’entreprise], en se concentrant sur [secteur d’activité] et [marché cible]. Présente les méthodes pour identifier les tendances du marché, les comportements des consommateurs, les concurrents principaux, et les opportunités de croissance. Inclure des suggestions sur les sources de données primaires et secondaires. »

Élaborer les projections financières

Ce prompt vous guide dans l’élaboration de projections financières réalistes et précises, un élément clé de votre business plan.

Prompt : « Crée des projections financières pour mon entreprise [type d’entreprise] sur les cinq prochaines années. Inclure des estimations de revenus, des coûts opérationnels, du seuil de rentabilité, et du flux de trésorerie, en tenant compte de [facteurs spécifiques au marché/industrie]. Utiliser des données de marché actuelles et des hypothèses réalistes. »

Évaluer les risques et les opportunités

Ce prompt vous aide à identifier et évaluer les risques et opportunités pour votre entreprise, permettant une prise de décision éclairée.

Prompt : « Identifie et évalue les principaux risques et opportunités pour [type d’entreprise] dans [secteur d’activité], en considérant [marché cible] et [environnement économique actuel]. Propose des stratégies de mitigation pour les risques et des plans d’action pour capitaliser sur les opportunités identifiées. »

Rédiger la section sur le produit ou service

Utilisez ce prompt pour formuler une description détaillée et persuasive de votre produit ou service, un élément crucial de votre business plan.

Prompt : « Décris en détail [produit/service] offert par [nom de l’entreprise], en mettant l’accent sur [caractéristiques uniques], [avantages pour le client], et [comment il se différencie des concurrents]. Inclure des informations sur le développement du produit, le processus de fabrication, et la stratégie de prix. »

Créer la stratégie marketing

Ce prompt vous guide dans l’élaboration d’une stratégie marketing efficace, essentielle pour atteindre votre marché cible et maximiser la visibilité de votre produit ou service.

Prompt : « Élabore une stratégie marketing pour [produit/service] de [nom de l’entreprise], en ciblant [marché cible] dans [secteur d’activité]. Inclure les canaux de marketing recommandés, le positionnement de la marque, les messages clés, et les stratégies de tarification. Explique comment mesurer l’efficacité de ces initiatives marketing. »

Élaborer le plan opérationnel

Utilisez ce prompt pour détailler le fonctionnement quotidien de votre entreprise, en assurant que toutes les opérations sont alignées avec vos objectifs stratégiques.

Prompt : « Détaille le plan opérationnel pour [type d’entreprise], incluant la structure organisationnelle, les processus de production ou de service, la chaîne d’approvisionnement, et la gestion de la qualité. Précise les besoins en personnel, les équipements nécessaires, et les technologies utilisées. Mentionne également les emplacements physiques et les installations. »

Finaliser et présenter le business plan

Ce prompt vous aide à peaufiner votre business plan et à préparer une présentation convaincante pour les investisseurs, partenaires ou autres parties prenantes.

Prompt : « Finalise le business plan de [nom de l’entreprise] en révisant tous les éléments pour assurer la cohérence, la clarté, et la précision. Prépare une présentation succincte mettant en avant les points clés du plan, incluant les objectifs commerciaux, l’analyse de marché, les projections financières, et la stratégie marketing. Inclure des visuels et des données pour appuyer les affirmations. »

Maximiser l’Impact des Prompts Chat GPT pour Votre Business Plan

Après avoir exploré ces prompts innovants, il est clair que ChatGPT peut être un allié puissant dans l’élaboration et l’exécution de votre business plan. En intégrant ces outils, vous pouvez non seulement gagner en efficacité mais aussi en profondeur d’analyse et en créativité.

Comment NovationIA Peut Transformer Votre Stratégie d’Entreprise

Chez NovationIA, nous comprenons l’importance de rester à la pointe de l’innovation. Si vous cherchez à intégrer l’IA dans votre stratégie d’entreprise, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Notre équipe d’experts est prête à vous accompagner dans cette transformation numérique.

FAQ : Tout savoir sur les Prompts ChatGPT pour votre Business Plan

Qu’est-ce qu’un prompt chat gpt .

Un prompt ChatGPT est une instruction ou une question que vous posez à l’IA pour obtenir des réponses ou générer du contenu sur un sujet spécifique.

Comment choisir le bon prompt pour mon business plan ?

Identifiez d’abord les objectifs spécifiques de votre business plan. Ensuite, choisissez des prompts qui ciblent ces objectifs, que ce soit pour la génération d’idées, l’analyse de marché, ou l’optimisation stratégique.

Est-ce que ChatGPT peut remplacer un consultant en stratégie d’entreprise ?

Bien que ChatGPT soit un outil puissant, il est préférable de le voir comme un complément à l’expertise humaine plutôt que comme un remplacement.

Puis-je utiliser ChatGPT pour créer un business plan complet ?

ChatGPT peut aider à élaborer plusieurs sections d’un business plan, mais il est conseillé de compléter ses suggestions avec des recherches et des analyses approfondies.

Comment intégrer les feedbacks des clients dans mon business plan avec ChatGPT ?

Utilisez ChatGPT pour analyser les feedbacks des clients recueillis sur différentes plateformes et intégrez ces insights dans votre planification stratégique.

ChatGPT peut-il aider à identifier les risques potentiels dans mon business plan ?

Oui, en posant des questions ciblées, ChatGPT peut vous aider à identifier et à analyser les risques potentiels liés à votre projet d’entreprise.

Est-ce que l’utilisation de ChatGPT pour mon business plan est sécurisée ?

Oui, tant que vous utilisez des plateformes sécurisées et respectez les bonnes pratiques en matière de protection des données.

Comment rester à jour avec les dernières fonctionnalités de ChatGPT pour les business plans ?

Suivez les publications et les mises à jour des plateformes IA comme NovationIA, et participez à des forums et des webinaires dédiés à l’IA dans le monde des affaires.

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Business plan Excel

Chat GPT et création d’entreprise : 16 opportunités à saisir

Chat GPT et création d’entreprise : quelles opportunités ? Quelle utilité ? Comment tirer parti de l’intelligence artificielle pour développer son entreprise ? L’analyse et l’avis d’un expert en création d’entreprise.

Lancé fin 2022, Chat GPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) est un outil en ligne d’intelligence artificielle (IA) développé par l’entreprise OpenAI, dont l’objectif est de répondre aux questions de l’utilisateur sous forme de dialogue. L’outil, ouvert à tous, est accessible sur chat.openai.com après inscription gratuite.

Le potentiel de l’outil est encore difficile à mesurer, tant ses capacités sont grandes et susceptibles de grandir encore, alors même que son impact et ses implications sur la société et la vie économique sont mal connus.

Le domaine de la création d’entreprise ne fait pas exception : n’ayons pas peur de le dire, Chat GPT est susceptible de révolutionner le secteur. Mais en quoi ?

Voici donc un article sur le thème de Chat GPT et création d’entreprise et quelques exemples de ce qui pourrait changer pour les entrepreneurs du fait de l’émergence nouvelle de l’intelligence artificielle, et de Chat GPT en particulier.

Chat GPT et création d’entreprise : une révolution ?

Le Chat GPT et les autres outils d’ intelligence artificielle vont (ou sont en train) d’impacter la création d’entreprise dans ses différentes composantes, de l’idée au développement en passant par la gestion administrative.

Pour commencer, il est possible de demander au Chat GPT une liste d’ idées de création d’entreprise , en fonction du secteur d’activité visé, ou du type d’activité souhaité, par exemple à domicile ou sans investissement.

Par exemple, demandez à l’IA de vous donner « 10 idées de création d’entreprise sans avoir à beaucoup investir », et il vous orientera de manière assez pertinente vers la vente en ligne, le blogging, les services de conseil, le tutorat en ligne ou la conception graphique. Mais vous pourriez aller plus loin en lui demandant la façon la plus rapide de gagner de l’argent : c’est ainsi qu’un américain a créé une entreprise valorisée à $25 000 en quelques jours seulement. Vous pourriez encore lui demander de vous donner une liste des domaines d’activité les plus rentables (on a testé et c’est assez impressionnant).

Chat GPT et création d’entreprise peuvent aussi faire bon ménage pour tout ce qui concerne l’ étude de marché . Par exemple, si vous souhaitez connaître les tendances de l’aide à domicile, l’outil vous fournira des informations intéressantes, sans toutefois citer ses sources (dommage).

De même, si vous lui demandez de construire un questionnaire d’étude de marché dans la perspective de la création d’une sandwicherie, il s’exécutera sans sourciller, même si le résultat peut laisser à désirer sur certains aspects. Quoi qu’il en soit, vous gagnerez du temps.

Interrogez-le aussi sur les caractéristiques de la concurrence sur un secteur en particulier : le texte qui en ressortira pourra vous aider à rédiger votre synthèse d’étude de marché !

Chat GPT et création d’entreprise peut aussi se révéler un bon conseiller pour les choix relatif à la gestion et au juridique : statut, embauche, aides financières, modèles de lettres, baux commerciaux, évaluation des risques, conseils quant à la protection de marque, etc. Chat GPT se comportera alors comme un expert du domaine.

Plus bluffant encore, vous pouvez dans le cadre de votre création d’entreprise demander à Chat GPT de vous trouver des exemples de noms commerciaux ou de slogans . Par exemple, demandez-lui de vous trouver 10 exemples de noms de marque pour de la cosmétique bio à base d’huiles essentielles, et vous serez étonné du résultat.

De même, il est possible de demander à l’IA des idées de positionnement commercial : le résultat sera assez basique, mais pertinent et susceptible d’ouvrir des perspectives.

Enfin, autre exemple de la puissance de Chat GPT pour la création d’entreprise, nous avons posé la question suivante : Y a-t-il des niches inexploitées dans le secteur de la cosmétique et si oui lesquelles ? Et le résultat a été plutôt à la hauteur, avec des idées telles que les cosmétiques pour les personnes atteintes de problèmes de peau.

Mais au-delà de ces éléments, Chat GPT offre de véritables opportunités à saisir pour créer un business fondé sur l’IA, ou utilisant l’IA : en voici quelques exemples toujours sur le thème Chat GPT et création d’entreprise.

Voici quelques exemples d’opportunités à saisir, fondées sur l’utilisation de Chat GPT pour la création d’entreprise ou pour la gestion de votre entreprise en vue de créer un avantage concurrentiel et maximiser vos revenus :

1) Créer un blog d’articles rédigés grâce à Chat GPT. Certes, les articles devront être retouchés et améliorés, mais le gain de temps est considérable. Il est aussi possible de demander à l’outil de reformuler le texte en rajoutant certaines informations précises.

2) S’installer rédacteur web indépendant. Proposer des articles rédigés par Chat GPT, certes revus et améliorés.

3) Créer une entreprise de formation à l’utilisation de Chat GPT.

4) Devenir consultant en intelligence artificielle appliquée au domaine de l’entreprise ou d’un secteur en particulier.

5) Créer un chatbot alimenté par Chat GPT pour fournir des conseils sectoriels (marketing, business development…).

6) Créer une agence de marketing créatif, fondée sur les idées de Chat GPT.

7) Fonder un service client assis sur Chat GPT. Si vous fournissez suffisamment de données à l’IA, Chat GPT sera en mesure de formuler des réponses pertinentes aux demandes des clients.

8) Gérer les ressources humaines avec Chat GPT : créer des offres d’emploi, des fiches de poste, faire des lettres de réponse type, etc.

9) Créer des documents commerciaux, des cartons d’invitation ou des messages de communication grâce à Chat GPT , avec des variantes par profil de client ou de prospect.

10) Créer des synthèses de documents longs. Copier-coller le contenu et demander à l’outil d’IA de le résumer.

11) Ecrire des e-mails personnalisés.

12) Utiliser Chat GPT comme relecteur et correcteur d’orthographe, ou pour enrichir un texte sur le plan du vocabulaire ou de l’argumentation.

13) Utiliser Chat GPT pour le soutien scolaire , la création d’exercices ou de plans de cours.

14) Utiliser Chat GPT pour créer des jeux , ou des devinettes accompagnées de leur solution.

15) Créer des horoscopes fictifs.

16) Créer des petites histoires pour les enfants.

Et bien d’autres opportunités encore…

Notre avis sur l’IA dans le cadre de la création d’entreprise

L’intelligence Chat GPT ne se suffit pas à elle-même : elle est un simple outil pour faire mieux. Utile uniquement si on sait l’utiliser, elle promet des gains de productivité assez phénoménaux.

Pour terminer, nous avons demandé à Chat GPT de répondre lui-même à la question que nous nous posons dans cet article, et voici sa réponse :

Quels sont les avantages de Chat GPT et création d’entreprise ?

Réponse : Chat GPT peut apporter plusieurs avantages pour la création d’entreprise :

  • Idées et conseils : Chat GPT peut fournir des idées et des conseils pour la création d’entreprise en fonction des besoins spécifiques de chaque entrepreneur. Par exemple, Chat GPT peut suggérer des idées d’entreprises, des stratégies de marketing, des astuces de gestion financière et plus encore.
  • Assistance à la planification : Chat GPT peut aider à la planification de l’entreprise en offrant des conseils sur la rédaction d’un plan d’affaires, la détermination des coûts et des budgets, l’évaluation des risques et la mise en place de stratégies pour atteindre les objectifs.
  • Recherche de marché : Chat GPT peut aider les entrepreneurs à effectuer des recherches de marché pour comprendre la demande et les tendances actuelles, ainsi que pour évaluer la concurrence.
  • Automatisation de tâches : Chat GPT peut aider à automatiser certaines tâches courantes, telles que la gestion des contacts, la gestion des rendez-vous et des tâches, pour aider les entrepreneurs à gagner du temps et à se concentrer sur des tâches plus importantes.
  • Formation et apprentissage : Chat GPT peut fournir des informations de formation et d’apprentissage pour aider les entrepreneurs à améliorer leurs compétences et à acquérir de nouvelles connaissances dans des domaines spécifiques tels que le marketing, les finances ou la gestion de projet.

En somme, Chat GPT peut offrir des avantages précieux pour les entrepreneurs, en les aidant à démarrer et à gérer leur entreprise de manière efficace et rentable.

Lire aussi : L’idée de création d’entreprise : comment trouver la bonne ?

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Comment créer son propre chatbot sur chatgpt : les étapes à suivre.

Avec Create a GPT, il est possible de configurer votre propre chatbot. Découvrez comment faire !

ChatGPT Creation Chatbot personnalise

ChatGPT permet de créer votre propre chatbot

Depuis une semaine , les abonnés aux offres ChatGPT Plus et ChatGPT Entreprise ont la possibilité de créer leur propre chatbot. Pour configurer ces agents conversationnels sur mesure, aucune compétence en programmation n’est requise. Il suffit de suivre les étapes indiquées par l’IA.

Un GPT Store sera également bientôt lancé, offrant aux utilisateurs la possibilité de partager et de monétiser leurs chatbots personnalisés. ChatGPT a déjà mis à disposition plusieurs versions qu’il a lui-même créées. Parmi elles, on retrouve un sous-chef qui vous assiste dans la préparation de recettes, un assistant conçu pour expliquer les règles des jeux de société, ou encore un conseiller en blanchisserie fournissant des astuces pour le soin du linge.

Chatbots personnalisés OpenAI

Comment créer un chatbot personnalisé sur ChatGPT ?

Pour créer votre chatbot personnalisé, rendez-vous dans la section Explore , située en haut à gauche de votre interface. En haut de cette section, cliquez sur Create a GPT . Une fenêtre apparaîtra alors. Sur la partie gauche, vous pouvez créer votre chatbot en combinant deux méthodes : les prompts et un outil de configuration. À droite, un aperçu vous permet de tester votre outil.

Créer un chatbot à l’aide de prompts

Dans la fenêtre de gauche, en haut, sélectionnez Create . Tout comme dans une conversation normale avec ChatGPT, vous pouvez donner des instructions concernant votre nouveau chatbot. Cela vous aidera à établir les fondations de votre outil.

Pour cet exemple, imaginons que nous souhaitons concevoir un chatbot qui aide à rédiger des emails professionnels. Il suffit de saisir le prompt : “Crée un chatbot qui me permet de rédiger des emails professionnels” . ChatGPT poursuivra ensuite la conversation en demandant progressivement des informations supplémentaires sur le chatbot telles que son nom, son image de profil ou des détails spécifiques sur son rôle.

Pour notre assistant email, ChatGPT nous demande par exemple : “Tout d’abord, concentrons-nous sur son rôle principal. Quels sont les types d’emails pour lesquels vous souhaitez obtenir de l’aide ? Par exemple, avez-vous besoin d’aide pour des courriels liés à des secteurs d’activité spécifiques, des situations telles que des demandes de réunion ou des communications avec certains types de professionnels ?” .

Creation Assistant email ChatGPT

Après avoir répondu à une série de questions, ChatGPT nous indique lorsque le chatbot est prêt, tout en précisant qu’il est possible d’intégrer de nouvelles précisions à tout moment. Sur la fenêtre de droite, Preview , il est possible d’effectuer de premiers essais.

Assistant Email Pret ChatGPT

Optimiser votre chatbot grâce à l’outil de configuration

Une fois l’ébauche de votre chatbot créée, il est possible de le peaufiner davantage via l’outil de configuration. Cet outil propose des champs pré-remplis que vous pouvez ajuster, ainsi que des options supplémentaires. Il est situé juste à côté de Create . Les sections disponibles sont les suivantes :

  • Photo : vous pouvez changer la photo qui illustre l’outil.
  • Name : il est possible de modifier le nom de votre chatbot.
  • Description : il s’agit du petit texte qui sera intégré sous le nom. Il donne des précisions sur le rôle du chatbot. Il est rédigé par défaut, mais vous pouvez le modifier.
  • Instructions : une première description a déjà été réalisée en fonction de vos demandes, mais vous pouvez la changer ou ajouter des indications supplémentaires.
  • Conversation starters : si vous le souhaitez, entrez un ou plusieurs textes susceptibles de démarrer une conversation. Pour notre exemple, nous proposons : “Peux-tu répondre dans un ton plus chaleureux ?” , dans le cas où le collègue avec qui nous échangeons serait un ami.
  • Knowledge : dans cette partie, vous pouvez alimenter votre chatbot avec des documents. Pour notre assistant email, nous intégrons un document PDF intitulé “Lexique et règles d’écriture” , qui permettra au chatbot de connaitre certaines règles spécifiques à l’écriture au sein de notre organisation.
  • Capabilities : ici, vous pouvez activer la recherche sur le web, la génération d’images ou les compétences en code.
  • Actions : cet espace, qui ouvre une nouvelle section, est dédiée à l’intégration d’actions automatisées via des API.
  • Additionnal settings : cette partie nous permet d’autoriser ou non ChatGPT à utiliser les conversations pour alimenter ses modèles. Bien camouflée, elle est activée par défaut. Dans le cas où les emails seraient de nature confidentielle pour l’entreprise, nous décidons de décocher cette case.

Configuration GPT Builder

Lorsque votre chatbot est finalisé, vous pouvez le sauvegarder en cliquant sur Save situé en haut à droite. À ce stade, vous avez le choix de le conserver pour usage personnel ou de le partager avec d’autres utilisateurs. Une fois sauvegardé, votre chatbot sera accessible dans la section Explore , sous l’option Create a GPT . Vous pouvez y apporter des ajustements à tout moment. Il est important de noter que ChatGPT utilise par défaut l’anglais. Si vous préférez créer votre outil entièrement en français, assurez-vous de le spécifier à ChatGPT dès le début du processus de création.

Assistant email cree

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